Wiktionary:BNC spoken freq 02
This is the second of 14 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.
BNC lists (edit) |
Main Lists 1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000
BNC1 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC2 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC3 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC4 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed |
[change]- above
- abuse
- accent
- access
- accident
- accommodate
- according
- accurate
- acid
- adequate
- adjust
- adopt
- adult
- advance
- advantage
- advice
- advise
- affair
- afraid
- Africa
- agenda
- ahead
- aid
- aim
- aircraft
- airport
- alarm
- alive
- allocate
- alone
- alter
- alternative
- altogether
- amaze
- among
- analyse
- angle
- animal
- announce
- annoy
- annual
- anti-
- apology
- appeal
- apple
- appreciate
- approve
- April
- army
- arrive
- article
- asleep
- aspect
- assemble
- assess
- assign
- assist
- assure
- attach
- attack
- attempt
- attitude
- attract
- audience
- August
- aunt
- Australia
- automatic
- average
- avoid
- award
- awkward
[change]- background
- bake
- band
- bang
- bath
- bathroom
- battery
- battle
- bean
- beer
- beg
- behalf
- behaviour
- bell
- belong
- below
- belt
- bend
- beside
- beyond
- bid
- bike
- bin
- bind
- bird
- biscuit
- bite
- blame
- blank
- bless
- blind
- block
- bloom
- boil
- bomb
- bone
- bonus
- booking
- boot
- boring
- borrow
- boss
- boundary
- bowl
- bracket
- brain
- branch
- bread
- breakfast
- brick
- bridge
- bright
- broad
- brochure
- brown
- brush
- bugger
- burn
- butter
- button
[change]- cabinet
- calculate
- calm
- camera
- camp
- campaign
- cancel
- candidate
- capable
- capacity
- capital
- career
- carpet
- cash
- cast
- category
- celebrate
- cell
- century
- chain
- challenge
- channel
- chapter
- charity
- chase
- chat
- cheer
- cheese
- chemical
- cheque
- chest
- chicken
- chief
- China
- chip
- chocolate
- chop
- chuck
- cigarette
- circle
- circumstance
- citizen
- civil
- clarify
- clerk
- clever
- climb
- cloud
- clue
- coach
- coal
- coast
- coat
- code
- combine
- comfort
- command
- commerce
- commission
- communicate
- compensate
- compete
- competition
- complain
- complaints
- complex
- complicate
- concentrate
- concept
- conclusion
- confidence
- confirm
- conflict
- confuse
- connect
- conscious
- conservative
- considerable
- consistent
- constant
- consume
- contain
- content
- context
- contribute
- convince
- cool
- cope
- corporate
- cottage
- cough
- counter
- countryside
- cow
- crack
- crap
- cream
- credit
- crime
- criminal
- crisis
- crisp
- criterion
- critic
- crowd
- cry
- culture
- cupboard
- curtain
- customer
- cycle
[change]- damage
- damn
- dance
- dare
- dark
- data
- daughter
- death
- debt
- December
- decent
- declare
- decorate
- defence
- defend
- define
- delay
- delegate
- delight
- deliver
- demand
- democrat
- demonstrate
- deny
- depress
- deputy
- desire
- desk
- desperate
- despite
- destroy
- detect
- determine
- diagram
- diary
- dictionary
- diet
- dig
- direction
- directory
- dirty
- disabled
- disappear
- disappoint
- disaster
- discount
- discover
- disease
- disgust
- dish
- display
- distance
- distinct
- distribute
- dock
- dollar
- domestic
- dot
- dozen
- draft
- drag
- drama
- drawer
- dream
- drug
- duck
- dump
- dust
- duty
[change]- ear
- earn
- earth
- Easter
- edge
- edit
- efficient
- effort
- elder
- element
- embarrass
- emergency
- emotion
- emphasis
- empty
- enable
- energy
- engage
- enormous
- enquire
- ensure
- entertain
- entire
- entitle
- equip
- escape
- essential
- establish
- estate
- estimate
- etc
- event
- eventual
- evolve
- ex
- exam
- examine
- excellent
- excess
- exchange
- excite
- exclude
- exhibit
- expand
- experiment
- expert
- extend
- extension
- extent
- extreme
[change]- facility
- factor
- factory
- fail
- faith
- familiar
- famous
- fan
- fancy
- fashion
- fat
- fault
- fear
- feature
- February
- fee
- fellow
- female
- fence
- fetch
- finger
- firm
- fix
- flatting
- flexible
- float
- flow
- flower
- focus
- folk
- fool
- foreign
- forest
- forgive
- formal
- forth
- fortnight
- fraction
- frame
- frank
- freeze
- fresh
- fright
- fruit
- fuel
- furniture
[change]- gain
- gap
- garage
- gate
- gather
- gear
- generate
- gentleman
- gift
- glad
- goal
- gold
- golf
- goods
- grab
- grace
- grade
- gradual
- graph
- grass
- grateful
- grey
- guarantee
- guard
- guide
- guilty
- gun
[change]- handle
- hardly
- harm
- hat
- heaven
- hide
- highlight
- hill
- hire
- hole
- holy
- homework
- honour
- hook
- horrible
- hotel
- household
- huge
- human
- hunger
- hunt
- hurry
- hurt
[change]- i
- ice
- ideal
- ignorant
- ill
- image
- immediate
- impact
- implicate
- impose
- impress
- inch
- incredible
- independent
- India
- indicate
- influence
- initial
- initiate
- injure
- inspect
- instance
- institute
- instruct
- intelligence
- intend
- intent
- internal
- international
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpretations
- interpretative
- interpreted
- interpreting
- interpretive
- interprets
- misinterpret
- misinterpretation
- misinterpretations
- misinterpreted
- misinterpreting
- misinterprets
- reinterpret
- reinterpreted
- reinterprets
- reinterpreting
- reinterpretation
- reinterpretations
- interpreter
- interpreters
- interview
- investigate
- invite
- Irish
- iron
- island
- Italy
[change]- label
- lack
- landlord
- lane
- leaflet
- league
- lecture
- legal
- lend
- length
- lesson
- liberal
- library
- licence
- lift
- literal
- loan
- locate
- log
- logic
- loose
- lorry
- loss
- loud
- lump
[change]- ma
- mad
- madam
- magazine
- maintain
- male
- manufacture
- map
- margin
- marvel
- mass
- massive
- master
- mate
- material
- mathematics
- maximum
- mayor
- meal
- meat
- medical
- medicine
- memory
- mental
- mere
- mess
- message
- metal
- method
- metre
- microphone
- mid
- midland
- mill
- miner
- minimum
- minor
- mirror
- mistake
- mix
- model
- modern
- monitor
- moon
- moral
- mortgage
- motor
- motorway
- mountain
- mouth
- muck
- multiply
- murder
- muscle
[change]- nail
- narrow
- nasty
- naughty
- neck
- negative
- negotiate
- neighbour
- neither
- nerve
- net
- nevertheless
- newspaper
- nick
- nil
- noise
- nor
- northern
- nose
- nought
- November
- nurse
- nursery
[change]- object
- objected
- oblige
- observe
- obtain
- occupy
- occur
- October
- offence
- official
- oil
- op
- opinion
- opposite
- option
- orange
- ordinary
- overall
- owe
[change]- packet
- pad
- pain
- panel
- parish
- parliament
- partner
- pat
- patch
- path
- patient
- patience
- pattern
- peace
- pen
- pencil
- penny
- perform
- permanent
- permit
- persuade
- petrol
- physical
- pie
- pig
- pile
- pin
- pink
- pint
- pipe
- pit
- pitch
- plain
- plane
- plant
- plastic
- plate
- pleasure
- plenty
- plug
- poem
- polish
- poll
- pool
- pop
- popular
- population
- pot
- potato
- potential
- pour
- practical
- pray
- pre
- precise
- prefer
- pregnant
- pretend
- prevent
- prime
- principle
- priority
- prison
- prize
- pro
- professional
- profit
- progress
- promise
- promote
- property
- proportion
- prospect
- proud
- prove
- psychology
- pub
- publish
- pudding
- pump
- pupil
- purchase
- pure
[change]- race
- rain
- rare
- ray
- reach
- react
- recall
- recession
- recover
- recruit
- redundant
- reflect
- refrigerate
- refuse
- register
- regular
- regulate
- reject
- relative
- relax
- release
- relevant
- relief
- religion
- religious
- rely
- remain
- remark
- remind
- remove
- rent
- repair
- repeat
- replace
- reply
- request
- reserve
- reside
- resist
- respond
- response
- restrict
- retire
- reverse
- revise
- revolution
- rich
- ride
- ridiculous
- risk
- river
- rob
- rock
- Rome
- roof
- root
- rough
- route
- row
- royal
- rub
- rubbish
- rush
- Russia
[change]- sack
- sad
- sail
- sake
- salary
- salt
- sample
- sand
- sandwich
- satisfy
- scale
- scare
- scene
- schedule
- screen
- screw
- sea
- search
- season
- seconds
- secret
- seek
- select
- senior
- sensible
- sentence
- September
- series
- session
- several
- severe
- shake
- shame
- shape
- sharp
- shed
- sheep
- shift
- ship
- shirt
- shock
- shoulder
- shout
- shower
- sight
- signal
- significant
- silly
- sin
- sink
- skill
- skin
- sky
- slide
- slip
- smart
- smash
- smell
- smile
- snow
- sock
- sod
- soft
- solicitor
- solid
- solution
- solve
- song
- source
- southern
- Spain
- spare
- speech
- spirit
- split
- sponsor
- sport
- spot
- spread
- spring
- stable
- stall
- stamp
- star
- state
- status
- steel
- stock
- stone
- store
- strange
- strength
- stress
- stretch
- strip
- struggle
- style
- sub
- substantial
- sue
- suffer
- sufficient
- sugar
- sum
- super
- surface
- survey
- survive
- suspect
- swear
- sweet
- swim
[change]- tablet
- tackle
- tail
- tall
- tank
- tap
- target
- taste
- tear
- technical
- technique
- technology
- temperature
- temporary
- text
- theatre
- theory
- thick
- thin
- threat
- tick
- ticket
- tidy
- tight
- tile
- tin
- tiny
- tip
- tire
- title
- toilet
- ton
- tool
- tooth
- topic
- Tory
- tough
- tour
- tower
- toy
- track
- tradition
- transfer
- treasure
- tremendous
- trial
- trick
- trip
- trousers
- tune
- typical
- ultimate
[change]- valid
- van
- variety
- vary
- vast
- vegetable
- vehicle
- verse
- version
- victim
- violent
- virtual
- voice
- volume
- voluntary
- volunteer
[change]- wake
- Wales
- ward
- warn
- wave
- weak
- weather
- wed
- weird
- western
- wet
- wheel
- whereas
- wine
- wing
- winter
- wipe
- wire
- wise
- withdraw
- witness
- wrap