Category:Uncountable nouns
An uncountable noun is a noun with the plural the same as the singular. These nouns are also called mass nouns.
Pages in category "Uncountable nouns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,092 total.
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- abandon
- abasia
- abating
- abbreviated
- abduction
- able-bodiedism
- able-bodism
- ableism
- ablepharia
- ablism
- ablutophobia
- abnegation
- abolishment
- abolition
- abolitionism
- abomination
- abracadabra
- abrasiveness
- absence
- absenteeism
- absorbency
- abstention
- abstinence
- abstractness
- abstruseness
- absurdity
- absurdness
- abulia
- abuse
- Abyssinia
- academe
- academia
- acapnia
- acardia
- acariasis
- acaridiasis
- acariosis
- acarophobia
- acataphasia
- acceleration
- acceptability
- acceptance
- access
- accessibility
- accismus
- accommodation
- accompaniment
- accord
- accordance
- account
- accountability
- accountancy
- accounting
- accumulation
- accuracy
- accurateness
- acephalia
- acephalism
- acephaly
- achromatism
- aciclovir
- acidosis
- acne
- acorea
- acoustics
- acquisition
- acreage
- acrocyanosis
- acromegalia
- acromegaly
- acromicria
- acromikria
- acrophobia
- actinium
- actinometry
- actinomycin
- action
- activewear
- activism
- activity
- actuality
- acupressure
- acupuncture
- acyclovir
- adactylia
- adactylism
- adactyly
- adaptability
- adaptation
- addition
- adelphogamy
- adenomegaly
- adherence
- adhesiveness
- adiposis
- administration
- admirability
- adolescence
- adorability
- adsorption
- adulthood
- advantageousness
- advertising
- advertizing
- advice
- aerobatics
- aerobraking
- aeronautics
- aerospace
- affect
- affectation
- affection
- affinage
- afternoon
- age
- agency
- aggravation
- aggregate
- aggregation
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- agility
- agitation
- agnation
- agon
- agriculture
- agronomy
- aid
- ailurophilia
- aim
- air
- airiness
- airmail
- alarm
- Albanian
- alchemy
- alcohol
- alcoholism
- alertness
- algebra
- algophobia
- alignment
- alimony
- alkali
- all
- alliteration
- allocation
- allosexuality
- allowance
- almond
- alphabetical order
- alternating current
- alternation
- alto
- aluminium
- aluminum
- amalgamation
- amber
- ambiguity
- ambition
- amendment
- amends
- americium
- ammunition
- amnesia
- amusement
- anachronism
- anaemia
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetic
- anal sex
- analysis
- anarchy
- anemia
- anesthesiology
- anesthetic
- anger
- Anglophobia
- anilingus
- animatronics
- anime
- annotation
- annoyance
- annulment
- annum
- antagonism
- anthropolatry
- anthropology
- anthropometry
- anthropomorphism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- antimasonry
- antimony
- antinatalism
- antiseptic
- antivirus
- apathy
- apnea
- apocalypse
- appeal