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Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) When you dismiss someone from a company, you fire and end the employment of the person, causing the person to become unemployed.
    He was found to be giving the secrets of the company to other companies and was immediately dismissed.
    The company became bankrupt overnight and all its employees were dismissed.
  2. (transitive) When you dismiss someone, you order the person to leave.
    The parade commander stepped forward to ask the President for permission to dismiss the parade.
  3. (transitive) To dismiss something is to refuse or reject it.
    The court dismissed his appeal for a second trial.
    My proposal was dismissed by the panel of judges.
    We dismissed the idea of going overseas due to the financial crisis.
  4. (transitive) (sports) When someone is dismissed, that person is given a red card and is sent off the pitch.
    He punched a player from the opponent team, and was immediately dismissed by the referee.