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From Wiktionary







  1. (uncountable) In music, resonance is the rich, clear sound made by instruments or voices.
    The guitar's body gives it a strong resonance.
  2. (uncountable) Resonance is the experience of an idea, feeling, or situation feeling deeply meaningful.
    Her speech had great emotional resonance with the audience.
  3. (uncountable) Resonance, is the quality of space like a hall, church, or cave that makes speech or music in it sound deep and full.
    The room had great resonance because of the wood floors.
  4. (uncountable) Resonance is sound that is produced or increased in one object when sound waves hit it.
    The resonance frequency of the wine glass is 440 Hz.
  5. (uncountable) In chemistry, resonance refers to the way some molecules can be represented by more than one structure at the same time.
    The resonance of the molecule helps explain its stability.
  6. (uncountable) In music, resonance is the rich, clear sound made by instruments or voices.
    The guitar's body gives it a strong resonance.
    The singer's voice had a lasting resonance.
  7. (uncountable) In electronics, resonance occurs when a circuit can easily transfer energy at a certain frequency.
    The circuit is designed to have resonance at this frequency.
