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period is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
perhaps - period - person

period is on the Academic Word List.







Period is on the Academic Vocabulary List.
  1. A period is a length of time.
    There was a short period when my computer stopped working.
    During the first period, Germany scored two goals.
    The dinosaurs lived from late in the Triassic period (about 225 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (about 65 million years ago).
  2. A period is the dot that marks the end of most sentences in English. This -> . is a period.
    Should I use an exclamation mark or a period at the end of this sentence?
  3. A woman's period is the time each month when she passes blood.
    I have missed two periods now. I think I must be pregnant.




  1. (mostly North America) And nothing else; and nothing less; used for emphasis.
    When I say "eat your dinner," it means "eat your dinner", period!

Punctuation marks (edit)

apostrophe ( ' ) ( ) • brackets ( [] ) • braces ( {} ) • colon ( : ) • comma ( , ) • dashes ( ) ( ) • ellipsis ( ... ) • exclamation mark ( ! ) • hyphen ( ) ( - ) • parentheses ( () ) • period / full stop ( . ) • question mark ( ? ) • quotation marks ( ' ' ) ( " " ) • semicolon ( ; ) • slash ( / )

Other: ampersand ( & ) • asterisk ( * ) • at ( @ ) • backslash ( \ ) • bullet ( ) ( · ) • degree ( ° ) • number sign / pound sign ( # ) • tilde ( ~ ) • underscore ( _ ) • vertical bar / pipe ( | ) •