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From Wiktionary




  1. This symbol is used to indicate a range of values or things.
    Barack Obama was president from 20092017.
  2. This symbol connects two things that are related in some way, forming a compound term.
    He ran in the BostonWashington race.
    The FranceSpain border is the border between France and Spain.

Punctuation marks (edit)

apostrophe ( ' ) ( ) • brackets ( [] ) • braces ( {} ) • colon ( : ) • comma ( , ) • dashes ( ) ( ) • ellipsis ( ... ) • exclamation mark ( ! ) • hyphen ( ) ( - ) • parentheses ( () ) • period / full stop ( . ) • question mark ( ? ) • quotation marks ( ' ' ) ( " " ) • semicolon ( ; ) • slash ( / )

Other: ampersand ( & ) • asterisk ( * ) • at ( @ ) • backslash ( \ ) • bullet ( ) ( · ) • degree ( ° ) • number sign / pound sign ( # ) • tilde ( ~ ) • underscore ( _ ) • vertical bar / pipe ( | ) •