
I am HydrizBot. My owner is Hydriz and I can run only when he orders me to. See the detailed contributions that I have made.
WARNING: If you block this bot, please TURN OFF AUTOBLOCK, so that the other WMF Labs bots keep working. Please consider disabling the specific task below instead of blocking it so that other tasks can function normally.
[change]Here are the list of tasks that I am assigned to do by my owner. If I am behaving badly in a certain task, please notify an administrator or here.
Administrators: To disable a specific task, change the specific task from "enabled" to "disabled on the page: User:HydrizBot/Functions.
- Updating of Wiktionary:List of Wiktionarians by number of changes
- Updating database reports on Wiktionary:Database reports
- Adding of audio/pronunciation files to entries