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User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC9LIST

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This is the nineth of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE aback abattoir abattoirs abdomen abdomens abdominal aberration aberrations aberrational abode abodes abominable abominably aborigine aborigines aboriginal abrasive abrasiveness abrasively nonabrasive abut abutting abutted abuts abutment abutments accost accosts accosted accosting acorn acorns acquit acquitting acquitted acquits acquittal actuary actuaries actuarial adage adages addendum addenda adolescence adolescences adversary adversaries adversarial aftermath aftermaths airman airmen alcove alcoves alkaline alkalinity alkalinities alms amalgam amalgams ambush ambushed ambushers ambusher ambushes ambushing amid amidst amiss amniocentesis anatomy anatomies anatomist anatomists animosity animosities anoint anoints anointed anointing anointment anointments anonymity anonymities anorexia anorexic antagonist antagonists antagonistic antagonistically anthology anthologies anthropology anthropologies anthropologist anthropologists anthropological anthropologically antibody antibodies antic antics antler antlers apocalypse apocalyptic appraise appraises appraised appraising appraiser appraisers arbitrate arbitrates arbitrated arbitrating arbitration arbitrations arbitrator arbitrators archaic archaically archer archers archery arduous arduousness arduously argumentative argumentativeness argumentatively aristocracy aristocracies aristocrat aristocrats aristocratic aristocratically arsenic arsenics ascent ascents ascribe ascribes ascribed ascribing assent assenting assented assents astrology astrologies astrologist astrologists astrologer astrologers astrological astrologically astronomy astronomies astronomer astronomers atrocity atrocities audiovisual AV auditorium auditoriums auspicious auspiciousness auspiciously inauspicious inauspiciously austere austerely austerity austerities autograph autographed autographing autographs automate automates automating automated automation autonomous autonomously autonomy autonomies avocado avocadoes avocados ayatollah ayatollahs backlash backlashes backstage ballad ballads balladeer balladeers barbaric barbarically bard bards barometer barometers barrage barrages baseline baselines basil basils battleship battleships batty battier battiest bayonet bayonets bazaar bazaars beau beaus beaver beavers bedsit bedsits beeswax beeswaxes beet beets beetling beetle beetles beetroot beetroots behoves belfry belfries belittle belittles belittled belittling belittlement belittlements belle belles beloved bemused bemusedly benign benigner benignest benignly benignity benignities beset besetting besets bicarbonate bicarbonates bicker bickers bickered bickering bickerer bickerers bilateral bilaterally billboard billboards bimbo bimboes birch birches bison bisons blare blares blared blaring blight blights blighted blighting blockbuster blockbusters bloodshed bloodsheds bloodshedding blueprint blueprints bobbin bobbins bohemian bohemians bohemianism bohemia bookkeeper bookkeepers bookkeeping bookkeepings bookmaker bookmakers bottleneck bottlenecks boulevard boulevards bounty bounties brainchild bramble brambles brazen brazenness brazenly breakaway bricklayer bricklayers buckle buckles buckled buckling buckler bucklers unbuckle unbuckles unbuckled unbuckling bullock bullocks bungle bungles bungled bungling bungler bunglers burgeon burgeoned burgeons burgeoning bursary bursaries butch bystander bystanders cad cads cafeteria cafeterias cagey caledonia caledonian caledonians cambodia cambodian cambodians camomile camomiles campsite campsites canter canters cantered cantering canton cantons cantonal caper capered capering capers cappuccino cappuccinos captivate captivates captivated captivating captivation carbonate carbonated carbonating carbonates carburettor carburettors carcinoma carcinomas carnation carnations carousel carousels cartel cartels casement casements catalyst catalysts cataract cataracts catheter catheters catheterize catheterizes catheterized catheterizing catheterise catheterises catheterised catheterising cauldron cauldrons cavalry cavalries caveat caveats cellophane cellophanes cellulose celluloses charisma charismas charismatic charismatically checker checkers chequebook chequebooks childbearing childbearings childminder childminders chime chimes chimed chiming chimer chimers chimpanzee chimpanzees chimp chimps chipboard chipboards cholera choleras chomp chomps chomped chomping choral chorally chromosome chromosomes chromosomal chutney chutneys cinnamon cinnamons circumference circumferences clamour clamoured clamouring clamored clamoring clamours clamor clamors cleave cleaves cleaved cleaving cleaver cleavers cleavage cleavages cleft clefts clematis clematises clinch clinches clinched clinching clincher clinchers coalesce coalesces coalesced coalescing coalescence coalescences coalescent coasted coasting coax coaxes coaxed coaxing coaxer coaxers cockpit cockpits cognition cognitions cognitional cohesive cohesiveness cohesively collateral collaterals collateralize collateralizes collateralized collateralizing collaterally colon colons semicolon semicolons colt colts coltish columnist columnists combustion combustions commandeer commandeers commandeered commandeering commensurate commensurately incommensurate incommensurately commune communes concerto concertos confide confides confided confiding confider confiders confidant confidants congenital congenitally consecrate consecrates consecrated consecrating consecration consequential consequentially inconsequential inconsequentially conspicuous conspicuousness conspicuously inconspicuous inconspicuousness inconspicuously conspiracy conspiracies construe construes construed construing misconstrue misconstrues contagious contagiousness contagiously noncontagious conurbation conurbations convenor convenors cornflour cornflours corps corrugate corrugates corrugated corrugating corrugation corrugations counterbalance counterbalances counterbalanced counterbalancing cove coves covenant covenants cravat cravats craze crazes crazed credentials creditable creditably crescendo crescendos cress cresses crinkle crinkles crinkled crinkling critique critiques critiqued critiquing crossbar crossbars crumpet crumpets curfew curfews cursory cursoriness cursorily dado dadoes dandelion dandelions dandy dandies daub daubs daubed daubing dauber daubers decant decants decanted decanting decanter decanters decode decodes decoded decoding decoder decoders defraud defrauds defrauded defrauding defrauder defrauders defunct dehydrate dehydrates dehydrated dehydrating dehydration dehydrations delinquent delinquents delinquently delinquency delinquencies desolate desolated desolateness desolately desolation detonate detonates detonated detonating detonation detonations detonator detonators Deutschmark Deutschmarks DM DMs dialectical dimple dimples dingy dingier dingiest dinginess dingily dinky dinkies dint dints disarray disarrays disenfranchise disenfranchises disenfranchised disenfranchising disenfranchisement disenfranchisements dislodge dislodges dislodged dislodging dislodgment disloyal disloyally disloyalty disloyalties disparage disparaged disparages disparaging disparagingly disparagment disparagements disquiet disquieted disquieting disquiets disseminate disseminates disseminated disseminating dissemination dissertation dissertations divan divans divinity divinities dogmatic dogmatically dogmatism dogmatisms domesticate domesticated domesticating dovetail dovetails dovetailed dovetailing dowel dowels dowelling dowellings downright drainpipe drainpipes drake drakes dredge dredges dredged dredging dredger dredgers drench drenches drenched drenching drone droned droning drones dumpy dumpier dumpiest dumpiness dustman dustmen eardrum eardrums eggshell eggshells electrode electrodes electron electrons elongate elongates elongating elongation elongated elude eludes eluded eluding emancipate emancipates emancipated emancipating emancipation emancipations emerald emeralds emery emeries en enchant enchants enchanted enchanting enchanter enchanters enchantment enchantments enchantingly engender engenders engendered engendering enlist enlists enlisted enlisting enlistment enlistments enterprising unenterprising enterprisingly entrant entrants entrepreneur entrepreneurs entrepreneurship enzyme enzymes espouse espouses espoused espousing espousal espousals evoke evokes evoked evoking evocation evocations ewe ewes excruciating excruciatingly excursion excursions excursionist excursionists exhaustive exhaustiveness exhaustively exodus exoduses expedite expedites expedited expediting expediter expediters explicable inexplicable inexplicably extol extolling extolled extols extrapolate extrapolates extrapolated extrapolating extrapolation extrovert extroverts extroversion eyelash eyelashes fa fabricate fabricates fabricated fabricating fabrication fabrications facto fairground fairgrounds fang fangs felicity felicities femur femurs fen fens ferocious ferociousness ferociously fervour fervours fervor fervors feud feuds fiery fierier fieriest fieriness fingernail fingernails fink finks finked finking fireside firesides fishmonger fishmongers flabby flabbier flabbiest flabbiness flabbily flagging unflagging unflaggingly flagrant flagrantly flagship flagships flail flails flailed flailing flair flairs flashback flashbacks flaunt flaunts flaunted flaunting fleck flecks flecked flecking fleece fleeces flinch flinches flinched flinching flue flues fluoride fluorides fluoridation foetus foetuses folklore folklores foodstuff foodstuffs footage footages footbridge footbridges footway footways footwear footwears footwork footworks foray forays forebear forebears forefather forefathers foreskin foreskins forsake forsaken forsakes forsaking fortress fortresses foundry foundries fourpence fourpences fowl fowls frail frailer frailest frailness frailly frailty frailties fraudulent fraudulently freephone freephones friar friars friary frown frowns frowned frowning fruitful fruitfulness unfruitful fruitfully fundholder fundholders funk funks funky funkier funkiest funkiness furlong furlongs furrow furrows furrowed furrowing fury furies gamekeeper gamekeepers gape gapes gaped gaping garrison garrisons gash gashed gashing gashes gauntlet gauntlets genital genitals genitally genitalia geometry geometries geometric geometrically geometrical ghetto ghettoes ghettoize ghettoizes ghettoized ghettoizing ghettoise ghettoises ghettoised ghettoising ghoul ghouls ghoulish ghoulishness ghoulishly gilt gilts girdle girdles girdling girdled glee glees gleeful gleefulness gleefully glimmer glimmers glimmered glimmering gloat gloats gloated gloating gloater gloaters glycerine gnome gnomes goalpost goalposts goblin goblins godfather godfathers godsend godsends godsent goldsmith goldsmiths gorge gorges gramophone gramophones graphite graphites gravely gravest graver graveness greenery greeneries grope gropes groped groping groper gropers gruesome gruesomeness gruesomely gruff gruffer gruffest gruffness gruffly gull gulls gulp gulps gulped gulping gulper gulpers gunpowder gunpowders guv guvs hallmark hallmarks handicraft handicrafts handlebar handlebars handover handovers hardboard hardboards harlequin harlequins harmonise harmonises harmonised harmonising harmonisation harmonize harmonizes harmonized harmonizing harmonization hatchback hatchbacks hawking hawked hawker hawkers hawthorn hawthorns headboard headboards headland headlands heartbeat heartbeats heartbreak heartbreaks heartbroken heartbreaking hearty heartier heartiest heartiness heartily heathen heathens heathenish heathenism heathendom heathendoms heckle heckles heckled heckling heckler hecklers helpline helplines heretic heretics heretical heretically heterosexual heterosexually heterosexuality heterosexualities hike hiking hiked hiker hikers hikes hilt hilts histogram histograms hither hock hocks holdall holdalls holidaymaker holidaymakers hologram holograms homophobia homophobias homophobic hone hones honed honing honer honers honeysuckle honeysuckles hornet hornets horny hornier horniest horsepower hosiery hosieries housebound hustle hustles hustled hustling hustler hustlers hyacinth hyacinths hydrocarbon hydrocarbons hydroelectric hydroelectricity hydroelectricities hydroelectrically hypothesis hypotheses hypothesize hypothesizing hypothesized hypothesizes hypothesise hypothesising hypothesised hypothesises ie imprint imprinted imprinting imprints inaugural inaugurate inaugurates inaugurated inaugurating inauguration inaugurations incessant incessantly incise incising incised incisor incisors incision incisions incisive incisively incisiveness incubate incubates incubated incubating incubation incubations incubator incubators incursion incursions indent indents indented indenting indentation indignant indignantly inescapable inescapably infantry infantries infatuate infatuated infatuates infatuating infatuation infatuations infiltrate infiltrates infiltrated infiltrating infiltration infiltrations inflect inflected inflects inflecting inflection inflections inflectional infuse infused infuses infusing infusions infusion infuser infusers ingenious ingeniousness ingeniously ingrain ingrains ingrained ingraining inlay inlays inlaying inlaid inmate inmates innumerable innumerably insofar intelligible unintelligible unintelligibly intelligibly intelligibility intercom intercoms intercourse intercourses interlink interlinks interlinked interlinking interrelate interrelates interrelating interrelated interrelation interrelations interrelationship interrelationships intersperse intersperses interspersed interspersing intuitive intuitiveness intuitively inventive inventiveness inventively inventory inventories invidious invidiousness invidiously irate irateness irately irrigate irrigated irrigates irrigating irrigation irrigations irritable irritably irritability jackpot jackpots jacquard jacquards javelin javelins jetty jetties jiggle jiggles jiggled jiggling jolt jolted jolting jolts joyride joyrider joyriders joyriding joyridings judiciary judiciaries juggernaut juggernauts juror jurors kebab kebabs keynote keynotes kiosk kiosks knockout knockouts kurd kurds kurdish labyrinth labyrinths laddie laddies ladle ladled ladling ladles lagoon lagoons laird lairds lame lameness lamely lampshade lampshades lancer lancers landowner landowners landownership lanky lankier lankiest lankiness larder larders laud lauds lauded lauding laudable laudably laudatory legalistic legalistically legionnaire legionnaires lemming lemmings Libya Libyan lifeboat lifeboats lighthouse lighthouses linguistic linguistically linguistics lintel lintels listless listlessness listlessly llama llamas lobe lobes loin loins loiter loiters loitered loitering loiterer loiterers lookout lookouts lotion lotions louse louses lice lucid lucider lucidest lucidness lucidly lucidity lucidities lull lulls luminous luminously luminosity luminosities lunacy lunacies lunar lynch lynches lynched lynching lyncher lynchers mace maces mamma mammas mammal mammals mammalian mandolin mandolins manicure manicures manicured manicuring manicurist manicurists manifold marines mart marts martini martinis masonic masturbate masturbated masturbates masturbating masturbation masturbations matchbox matchboxes matchstick matchsticks maternal maternally matinee matinees matron matrons matronly meddle meddles meddled meddling meddler meddlers melon melons membrane membranes menopause menopauses menopausal menstruate menstruated menstruating menstruates menstruation menstruations meridian meridians meteor meteors meteoric meteorically methane methanes mettle mettles microchip microchips militia militias millennium millenniums minstrel minstrels misogyny misogynies misogynist misogynists mitigate mitigates mitigated mitigating mitigation unmitigated moat moats moated mockery mockeries mod mods molten mongrel mongrels monologue monologues monoxide monoxides monsieur monsoon monsoons monsoonal moorhen moorhens moose mope mopes moped moping moper mopers morphology morphologies morphologist morphologists morphological morphologically mortuary mortuaries Mozambique Mozambican Mozambicans muffle muffles muffled muffling muffler mufflers muggy mugginess mundane mundanely munition munitions muscular muscularly muscularity muscularities musket muskets musketeer musketeers muslin muslins mutate mutated mutating mutates mutation mutations mutational nab nabbing nabbed nabs nap napping napped naps napless nato nautical nautically navel navels nectar nectars needlework needleworks needy needier neediest neediness negligible negligibly negotiable nonnegotiable neurological neurologically neurosis neuroses newborn newt newts nifty niftier niftiest nit nits nitrogen nitrogens nitrogenous nobel node nodes nodal noose nooses nostalgia nostalgias notate notated notates notating notation notations notepaper notepapers novice novices numb numbed numbs numbing numbest numbness numbly oatmeal oatmeals obituary obituaries oblong occult occults occultism occultist occultists octopus octopuses octopi odour odours odourless odor odors odorless odorous olympia olympian olympians omega omegas oncoming oneself opium opiums optimise optimises optimised optimising optimisation optimisations optimize optimizes optimized optimizing optimization optimizations orator orators oratory oratories orchid orchids osmosis osteoporosis otter otters outlay outlays outlying ovary ovaries ovarian overcast overcharge overcharges overcharged overcharging overrule overrules overruled overruling overshadow overshadows overshadowed overshadowing overspill overspills overstate overstates overstated overstating overstatement overstatements overt overtly padlock padlocks paediatric pagan paganism palatable unpalatable panda pandas pandemonium pandemoniums parapet parapets parishioner parishioners parole paroles parry parries parried parrying patronage patronages pauper paupers pauperize pauperizes pauperized pauperizing pauperise pauperises pauperised pauperising pauperism paymaster paymasters peacetime peacetimes pedantic pedantically pelt pelts pelted pelting penal penthouse penthouses penultimate percussion percussions percussionist percussionists perpetuity perpetuities Persia Persian Persians perturb perturbs perturbed perturbing perturbation unperturbed peseta pesetas pessimist pessimists pew pews pharmacist pharmacists phoney physicist physicists pimple pimples pimpled pimpling pimply pimplier pimpliest piste pistes plaintiff plaintiffs plait plaits platinum platinums platonic playback playbacks playwright playwrights pliers plush plusher plushest plushness plushly plutonium plutoniums plywood plywoods pneumatic pneumatically podium podiums poignant poignantly polaroid polaroids pollen pollens polyester polyesters pontificate pontificates pontificated pontificating pontification pontifications pontoon pontoons popcorn popcorns porcelain porcelains potassium potassiums pout pouts pouted pouting pouter pouters precept precepts predispose predisposes predisposed predisposing predisposition predispostions predominate predominates predominated predominating predomination pristine privy probity probities prodigal prodigals prodigally prognosis prognoses proliferate proliferated proliferates proliferating proliferation proliferations proliferative prologue prologues promulgate promulgates promulgated promulgating promulgation pronoun pronouns pronouncement pronouncements prophetic prophetically proton protons protractor protractors prowess prowesses prudential prudentially Prussia Prussian Prussians pseudo psychic psychically psychopathic psychotherapy psychotherapies psychotherapist psychotherapists publican publicans puritan puritans puritanism puritanical puritanically pus pygmy pygmies quad quads quadruple quadruples quadrupled quadrupling quaver quavers quavered quavering quay quays quinine quinines quiver quivers quivered quivering racetrack racetracks rafter rafters rand rands ratchet ratchets ream reams rebound rebounds rebounded rebounding recapture recaptures recaptured recapturing reciprocate reciprocates reciprocated reciprocating reciprocation recourse recourses rector rectors rectory rectories recuperate recuperates recuperated recuperating recuperation redirect redirects redirected redirecting reflector reflectors regent regents reggae reggaes regress regressed regressing regresses regressive regression regressions reindeer reindeers relaunch relaunches relaunched relaunching relent relents relented relenting unrelenting unrelentingly relic relics relinquish relinquishes relinquished relinquishing relinquishment relinquishments relive relives relived reliving remix remixes remixed remixing remixings remorse remorses remorseless remorselessness remorselessly remorseful remorsefully renegotiate renegotiates renegotiated renegotiating renegotiation renegotiations repatriate repatriated repatriates repatriating repatriation repatriations repel repelling repelled repels repellent repellents repertory repertories replant replants replanted replanting repulsive repulsiveness repulsively rescind rescinds rescinded rescinding resilience resiliences resilient resiliently resin resins resinous respirator respirators respiratory retch retches retched retching retrograde retrogrades revel revels reveled reveling reveler revelers revelling revelled reveller revellers reverberate reverberates reverberated reverberating reverberation reverberations revoke revokes revoked revoking revocation revulsion revulsions rheumatoid rhododendron rhododendrons ridicule ridicules ridiculed ridiculing riff riffs rind rinds rite rites rom rouse rouses roused rousing rudder rudders rudderless rump rumps sachet sachets sampler samplers sandbag sandbags sandpaper sandpapers sapphire sapphires saracen saracens sari saris sauna saunas savour savours savoured savouring savor savors savored savoring scalpel scalpels scintillate scintillated scintillating scintillates scintillation scooter scooters scorch scorches scorched scorching scorcher scorchers scorn scorned scorner scorners scorning scorns scornful scornfully scourge scourged scourging scourges scrawl scrawls scrawled scrawling scullery sculleries scythe scythed scything scythes seafood seafoods seafront seafronts searchlight searchlights seatbelt seatbelts seaweed seaweeds secateurs secular nonsecular secularism secularist secularists secularize secularizes secularized secularizing secularization secularise secularises secularised secularising secularisation sediment sediments sedimentary sedimentation sedimentations seethe seethes seethed seething semester semesters senate senates sentry sentries sequin sequins sesame sesames shanty shanties shawl shawls sheaf sheaves sheen sheens sheeny sheenier sheeniest sheepdog sheepdogs sheepish sheepishness sheepishly shimmer shimmered shimmers shimmering shortcoming shortcomings shortcut shortcuts showman showmen showmanship showmanships shrewd shrewder shrewdest shrewdness shrewdly sibling siblings sift sifts sifted sifting sifter sifters signet signets sikh sikhs silage silages ensilage ensilages silhouette silhouetted silhouettes silhouetting silt silts silted silting sinful sinfulness sinfully sinus sinuses skateboard skateboards skeletal sketchy sketchier sketchiest sketchiness sketchily skipper skippers skirmish skirmishes skittle skittles skittled skittling slat slats slatted sleek sleeker sleekest sleekness sleekly slender slenderer slenderest slenderness slenderize slenderizes slenderized slenderizing sluggish sluggishness sluggishly slumber slumbers slumbered slumbering slumberous smallpox smallpoxes smirk smirks smirked smirking smog smogs sneer sneers sneered sneering sneerer sneerers snoop snoops snooped snooping snooper snoopers snuff snuffs snuffed snuffing snuffer snuffers solicit solicits solicited soliciting solicitation unsolicited solitude solitudes soluble insoluble insolubly solubility insolubility Somalia Somali Somalis someday sophistication sophistications southbound soya soyas speck specks spinach spinaches spire spires spirited spiritedly spittle spittles spool spools spore spores spreadsheet spreadsheets springtime springtimes spurn spurns spurned spurning spurt spurts squander squanders squandered squandering squawk squawks squawked squawking squawker squawkers squeamish squeamishness squeamishly squelch squelches squelched squelching squid squids squint squints squinted squinting squinty squinter squinters stairway stairways stammer stammers stammered stammering stammerer stammerers stash stashes stashed stashing stature statures steeplechase steeplechases stethoscope stethoscopes stifle stifles stifled stifling stockbroker stockbrokers stockbroking stockpile stockpiles stockpiled stockpiling stonework stoneworks storeroom storerooms strew strews strewn strewing stricken stutter stutters stuttered stuttering stutterer stutterers subsume subsumes subsumed subsuming subtitle subtitled subtitling subtitles suburbia suburbias subvert subverts subverted subverting subversion sulphate sulphates summertime summertimes sump sumps superstar superstars superstructure superstructures surf surfed surfs surfing surfer surfers surrogate surrogates swathe swathes swathed swathing swelter sweltered sweltering swelters sycamore sycamores Syria Syrian Syrians talkative talkativeness talkatively tampon tampons tang tangs tangy tangent tangents tangential tangentially tangerine tangerines tango tangos tartan tartans taunt taunts taunted taunting taunter taunters tavern taverns teak teaks tearful tearfully teeter teeters teetered teetering teetotal teetotaler teetotalers teetotalism telepathy telepathies telepathic telepathically telephony telephonies telephonist telephonists telex telexes tempest tempests tempo tempos temporal temporally temporality tendon tendons tenuous tenuousness tenuously testimonial testimonials theologian theologians theorem theorems thereon thermometer thermometers thistle thistles thresh threshes threshed threshing thresher threshers thyme thymes Tibet Tibetan Tibetans timeshare timeshares tinge tinges tinged tinging tinkle tinkles tinkled tinkling tinsel tinsels tinselling titbit titbits toadstool toadstools toil toiled toiling toils toiler toilers tonsil tonsils toolbox toolboxes topple topples toppled toppling tornado tornadoes toughen toughens toughened toughening toughener tougheners township townships trafficked trafficks trafficking traffickings traffiker traffickers traitor traitors traitorous traitorously transcend transcends transcended transcending transcendence transcendences transcendent transcendental transcendentally transgress transgressed trangresses transgressing transgression transgressions transistor transistors transistorize transistorizes transistorized transistorizing transparency transparencies traverse traverses traversed traversing traversal traversals trellis trellises trio trios tripartite tripe tripes triumphant triumphantly trivia trojan trojans trombone trombones truant truants truancy truancies truncheon truncheons tuba tubas tubing tubings tuft tufts tufted turnaround turnarounds turnout turnouts twang twangs twangy twangier twangiest tweak tweaks tweaked tweaking twilight twilights twinge twinges typeface typefaces typographical typographically tyrant tyrants unanimity unanimities uncanny uncannier uncanniest uncannily underfund underfunding underfunded underfunds undergrowth underscore underscores underscored underscoring underside undersides underwrite underwritten underwrites underwriting underwriter underwriters underwrote unicorn unicorns upfront uprising uprisings urinate urinates urinated urinating urination utilitarian utilitarianism utopia utopian vanguard vanguards veal veals vegan vegans vehement vehemently vehemence velocity velocities veneer veneers vengeance vengeances venison venisons vermin verminous vertebra vertebras vertebrae vibe vibes vigilante vigilantes vineyard vineyards virulent virulently nonvirulent virulence vixen vixens vixenish vixenishly vociferous vociferousness vociferously volleyball volleyballs vowel vowels semivowel semivowels waddle waddles waddled waddling wail wails wailed wailing wailer wailers walkway walkways watchman watchmen watertight waterworks waylay waylaid waylays waylaying waylayer waylayers weir weirs whet whetting whetted whets whim whims whirlwind whirlwinds whitsun whitsuns whittle whittles whittled whittling whittler whittlers widget widgets wield wields wielded wielding wielder wielders winch winches winched winching windfall windfalls wisp wisps wispy wispier wispiest withhold withheld withholds withholding woe woes woeful woefulness woefully workmanship workmanships worksheet worksheets wrench wrenches wrenched wrenching yearn yearns yearned yearning yob yobs yoke yokes yorkshireman yorkshiremen yuppy yuppies yuppie zap zapping zapped zaps zest zests zesty zestier zestiest zestful zestfulness zestfully zion zionism zionist zionists Zulu Zulus ENDLIST