User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC3LIST
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This is the third of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.
BNC lists (edit) |
Main Lists 1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000
BNC1 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC2 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC3 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC4 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed |
ENDTITLE abbey abbeys abroad absence absences accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating accelerator accelerators acceleration accelerations accordingly accountant accountants accountancy accuse accusing accusingly accuses accused accusation accusations accuser accusers ache aches ached aching achy adapt adapted unadapted adapting adapts adaptation adaptations adaptable adapter adapters adaptor adaptors adaptability adaptabilities adaptive addict addicts addicted addicting addictive addiction addictions nonaddictive admire admiring admires admired admirable admirably admiration admirer admirers admiringly adventure adventures adventurer adventurers adventurous misadventure misadventures aerial aerials aerially aerialist aerialists aeroplane aeroplanes aero affection affections affectionate affectionately affective affectively aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressivenesses aggro airline airlines airliner airliners album albums alcohol alcoholic alcoholics alcoholism alert alerts alerted alerting alertly alley alleys alleyway alleyways almighty alongside aluminium aluminum ambulance ambulances ambulanceman ambulancemen amuse amuses amused unamused amusing amusingly amusement amusements ancient anger angers angering angered angry angrily angrier angriest anniversary anniversaries anonymous anonymously apartment apartments appal appalled appalling appals appallingly appliance appliances approximate approximated approximately approximates approximating approximation approximations approx arrears arrest arrests arresting arrested arrestable arrow arrows artificial artificially artificiality articulate articulates articulated articulating articulation articulations ashamed unashamed unashamedly ashamedly Asia Asian Asians Asiatic aside astonish astonishes astonished astonishing astonishment astonishments astonishingly atmosphere atmospheric atmospheres author authored authoring authorial authors authorship authorise authorises authorised unauthorised authorising authorisation authorize authorizes authorized unauthorized authorizing authorization autumn autumns autumnal avenue avenues awake awaken awoken awakens awakened awakening awakes awoke backside backsides badge badges ban banned banning bans banana bananas bare baring bares bared barely bareness bargain bargains bargaining bargained bark barks barked barking barn barns barrel barrels barrier barriers basement basements bash bashes bashed bashing basket baskets basketful basketsful bat batted batting bats batter batters beach beaches beachfront beam beams beamed beaming beef beefy beforehand behave behaves behaved behaving belief beliefs bench benches bencher benchers bible bibles bicycle bicycling bicycles bicycled bingo bishop bishops archbishop archbishops archbishopship bishopship bitter bitterness bitterly bitterest bitterer blade blades blanket blanketed blanketing blankets blimey bog bogged bogging bogs boggy bold boldness boldly boldest bolder bolt bolted bolting bolter bolters bolts bond bonded bonding bonds boo booed booing boos boom boomed booming booms boost boosts boosted boosting booster boosters border borders bordering bordered borough boroughs bounce bounces bounced bouncing bouncer bouncers bouncy bouncier bounciest bounciness bouncily bow bows bowing bowed unbowed boxed boxing boxer boxers boyfriend boyfriends brake braked braking brakes brand brands branded branding brass brassy brave braving braves bravely braved bravery braveness braver bravest breakdown breakdowns breast breasts breasted breasting breath breaths breathlessly breathless breathy breathe breathing breathes breathed unbreathing breathable unbreathable breed bred breeding breeder breeders breeds buck bucked bucking bucks bucket buckets bucketful bucketsful bug bugged bugging bugs bulk bulky bull bulls bullish bully bullied bullies bullying bump bumps bumped bumping bumper bumpers bunch bunched bunching bunches burden burdened burdening burdens unburdened unburden unburdening unburdens burgle burgles burgled burgling burglar burglars burglary burglaries burglarize burglarizes burglarized burglarizing burst bursts bursting bury burying buries buried burial burials bush bushes bushy bust busts busty bustier bustiest butcher butchers butchered butchering butchery buzz buzzed buzzes buzzing buzzy buzzer buzzers bypass bypassed bypassing bypasses cable cabled cables cabling cablings cabler cablers calendar calendars camel camels Canada Canadian Canadians canal canals cancer cancerous cancers candle candles cans canned canning canteen canteens cap caps cappings capping capped captain captains captained captaining capt capts captaincy captaincies capture captured capturing captures uncaptured cardboard carol carols caroled caroling cart carts carted carting carter carters cassette cassettes castle castles casual casually casualness casualty casualties catalogue catalogues catalogued cataloguing catalog catalogs cater catered catering caters caterer caterers cathedral cathedrals catholic Catholics Catholicism ceiling ceilings cement cemented cementing cements certificate certificates certificated uncertificated chamber chambers champion champions championship championships championed championing champ champs chapel chapels charm charms charming charmed charmless charmingly charmer charmers chart charted charting charts uncharted cheat cheats cheated cheating cheater cheaters cheek cheeks cheerio cheerios chemist chemists chew chews chewed chewing chewer chewers chewy chewier chewiest chimney chimneys choke chokes choked choking choker chokers chunk chunks chunky chunkier chunkiest chunkiness cinema cinemas cinematic circuit circuits circuitous civilise civilised civilising civilises civilize civilized civilizing civilizes civilisation civilisations civilization civilizations uncivilized uncivilised clap clapping clapped claps clash clashes clashed clashing classic classical classics classically classicism classicist classicists click clicks clicked clicking clicker clickers cliff cliffs climate climates climatic climatically clinic clinics clinical clinically nonclinical clinician clinicians clip clipping clippings clipped clips clipper clippers cloth cloths clutch clutches clutched clutching cock cocks cocked cocking cocky cockier cockiest cockiness cockily coin coins coined coining coinage coinages coincide coincided coincides coinciding coincidence coincidences coincident coincidental coincidentally collapse collapsed collapses collapsible collapsing collar collars collarless column columns col cols columnar comedy comedies compact compactly compactness compacts compacting compacted compaction compile compilation compilations compiled compiles compiling compiler compilers complies complying compliant compliment complimented complimenting compliments complimentary comprehensive comprehensively comprehensiveness comp comps compromise compromised compromises compromising uncompromising uncompromisingly conceive conceivable conceivably conceived conceives conceiving inconceivable inconceivably concert concerts concrete concretely condense condensation condensations condenses condensed condensing condenser condensers confess confessing confesses confessed confession confessions confessor confessors confessional confidential confidentiality confidentially congratulate congratulates congratulated congratulating congratulatory congratulation congratulations congregate congregates congregated congregating congregation congregations congregational congregationalism congregationalist congregationalists consequent consequently contest contests contested contesting contestable incontestable contestant contestants continent continents continental contrast contrasted contrasting contrastive contrasts convenience conveniences convenient conveniently inconvenient convention conventional conventionally conventions unconventional unconventionally convert converted unconverted convertible convertibility converting converts converter converters convey conveyance conveyed conveyer conveyers conveying conveys conveyor conveyors conveyancing conveyancings coordinate coordinating coordinated coordinates coordination coordinator coordinators uncoordinated cop cops cord cords cordless core cores coring cored correspond corresponded correspondence corresponding correspondingly corresponds corridor corridors cotton courage courageous courageously cousin cousins cracker crackers craft crafts crafty craftiness craftier craftiest craftily crafted crafting cramp cramped cramps cramping crash crashing crashes crashed crawl crawled crawling crawls crazy crazier craziest crazily craziness creep crept creeps creeping creepy creeper creepers cricket cricketer cricketers cricketing cricketed cripple cripples crippled crippling crippler cripplers criticism criticisms crop crops cropping cropped cropper croppers crown crowns crowned crowning uncrowned crucial crucially cruel cruelly cruelness cruellest crueller cruelty cruelties crush crushing crushes crushed crystal crystals crystallise crystallised crystallising crystallises crystallize crystallized crystallizes crystallizing crystallization crystallisation cube cubes cubic cu cure curing cures cured curable incurable curative curious curiously curiosity curl curls curly curlier curliest curliness curled curling curler curlers uncurl uncurls uncurled uncurling cushion cushioned cushioning cushions custom customs customary customarily cylinder cylinders daft dafter daftest daftness daftly damp dampness dampest damper dampen dampens dampened dampening dampener dampeners damping damps damped dash dashes dashed dashing dasher dashers deaf deafer deafest deafness deafen deafens deafened deafening deafeningly deduct deducted deducting deducts deduction deductions deductible deductibility deductive deductively deed deeds deliberate deliberately delicate delicately delicacy delicacies Denmark Dane Danes danish derby derbies desert deserted deserting deserts deserter deserters desertion desertions deserve deserving deserves deservedly deserved undeserved detach detaches detached detaching detachable nondetachable detachment detachments deteriorate deteriorates deteriorated deteriorating deterioration deteriorations devil devils devilish devilishly devilishness devote devoted devotedly devotes devoting devotion devotions devotional devotee devotees dial dials dialed dialing dialled dialling dialect dialects dialectal dictate dictated dictates dictating dictation dictator dictators dictatorial dictatorially dictatorship dictatorships digest digests digested undigested digesting digestion digestive digestives digestible indigestible dimension dimensional dimensions dine dined dines dining diner diners dinosaur dinosaurs dip dips dipping dipped dipper dippers discipline disciplined undisciplined disciplining disciplines disciplinary disciplinarian interdisciplinary indiscipline discriminate indiscriminate discriminates discriminated discriminating discriminatory nondiscriminatory indiscriminately discrimination discriminations disgrace disgraces disgracing disgraced disgraceful disgracefulness disgracefully disguise disguises disguised undisguised disguising dispose disposable disposal disposed disposes disposing distress distressed distresses distressing disturb disturbs disturbing disturbed undisturbed disturbance disturbances disturbingly ditch ditches ditched ditching dive diving dives dived dove diver divers divorce divorced divorces divorcing divorcee divorcees dodgy dodgier dodgiest dole doled doling doles dominate dominated dominates dominating domination donate donated donates donating donation donations doorstep doorsteps doorway doorways dose doses dosed dosing dosings dosage dosages drain drained draining drains draught draughts draughty draughtier draughtiest dread dreads dreaded dreading dreadful dreadfully drift drifted drifting drifts drifter drifters drill drilled drilling drills driller drillers drip dripping dripped drips drown drowns drowning drowned drum drums drumming drummed drummer drummers dual duality duke dukes dukedom dukedoms dull dullness dullest duller dully dulled dulls dulling dummy dummies dutch Dutchman Dutchmen dye dyed dyeing dyer dyers dyes ease easing eases eased unease uneasily uneasy uneasiness eastern easterner easterners echo echoed echoes echoing Egypt Egyptian Egyptians elbow elbows eldest electronic electronics electronically embassy embassies empire empires enemy enemies enthusiasm enthusiasms enthusiastic enthusiastically unenthusiastic unenthusiastically envelope enveloped enveloping envelopes envelop envelops enveloper envelopers envelopment envelopments equivalent equivalents equivalently equivalence equivalences era eras error errors escort escorted unescorted escorting escorts essay essays eve eves evil eviler evilest evilly evilness evils exaggerate exaggerates exaggerated exaggerating exaggeration exaggerations exhaust exhausted exhaustible exhausting exhausts inexhaustible exit exits exited exiting explode explodes exploded exploding export exports exporting exported exporter exporters expose exposed unexposed exposes exposing exposure exposures external externalisation externalise externalised externalises externalising externality externalization externalize externalized externalizes externalizing externally extract extracted extracting extraction extractions extracts extractor extractors fade fading unfading fades faded unfaded failure failures faint faints faintly fainting fainter faintest fainted faintness false falsely falsehood falseness falsity fare fares fared faring fascinate fascinated fascinates fascinating fascination fatal fatality fatalities fatally fatalist fatalists fatalistic fatalistically fatalism fax faxed faxes faxing feather feathers featherless feathery feathered feathering feedback feedbacks felled fells felling feller fellers fertile infertile fertility infertility fertilise fertilize fertilised fertilized fertilises fertilizes fertilizing fertilising fertiliser fertilisers fertilizer fertilizers fertilisation fertilization fiction fictional nonfiction fiddle fiddles fiddled fiddling fiddler fiddlers fierce fiercest fiercer fierceness fiercely filter filtered unfiltered filtering filters filtrate filtrated filtrating filtration filtrations fined fines fining finings unfined fir firs flag flags flame flames flaming flamed flap flapping flapped flaps flare flares flared flaring flash flashing flashes flashed flavour flavours flavouring flavoured flavor flavors flavoring flavored flight flights flightless flt flighty flood floods flooding flooded flu flus influenza influenzas fold folds folding folded unfold unfolds unfolded unfolding folder folders fond fondness fondly fondest fonder ford fords forecast forecasted forecasting forecaster forecasters forecasts foresee foreseeing foresaw foreseen foresees foreseer foreseers foreseeable unforeseeable unforeseen forever fork forked forking forks format formatted formatting formats foster fostered fostering fosters foundation foundations founded founding unfounded founder founders framework frameworks frequent frequents frequently frequenting frequented frequency frequencies infrequent infrequently fringe fringes fringed fringing frost frosts frosted frosting frosty frostier frostiest frostiness frostily frustrate frustrated frustrates frustration frustrations frustrating fry fries fried frying fryer fryers fume fumed fumes fuming funeral funerals fur furs furry furrier furriest furriness furnish furnished unfurnished furnishes furnishing furnishings fuss fusses fussy fussier fussiest fussiness fussily fussed fussing fusser gallery galleries gallon gallons gamble gambled gambler gamblers gambling gamblings gang gangs gee generous generously generosity gentle gently gentleness gentler gentlest genuine genuinely geography geographical geographic geographically geographies geographer geographers gesture gestured gestures gesturing ghost ghosts ghostly giant giants glance glanced glances glancing glaze glazes glazed unglazed glazing glazings global globally globalism globalist globalists globalize globalizes globalized globalizing globalise globalisation globalization globalises globalised globalising glory glories glorious gloriously glorify glorifies glorified glorifying glorification glorifications glove gloves gloved glow glowed glows glowing glowingly glue glues glued gluing gluey gospel gospels gracious graciousness ungracious ungraciously graciously grain grains grainy gram grams gramme grammes milligram milligrams milligramme milligrammes mg mgs centigram centigrams centigramme centigrammes grammar grammars grammarian grammarians graphic graphically graphical graphics Greece Greek Greeks Grecian Grecians greed greeds greedy greedier greediest greediness greedily greet greetings greets greeting greeted grief grind grinds grinding grinder grinders grip gripped gripping grips gross grossly guest guests gut gutted gutting guts gutless gutlessness gutsy gutsier gutsiest habit habits hairdresser hairdressers ham hams hammer hammers hammering hammered handicap handicapping handicapper handicappers handicapped handicaps handy handier handiest handiness unhandy unhandier unhandiest handily harass harasses harassed harassing harasser harassers harassment harassments hardware harry harries harried harrying harvest harvests harvesting harvester harvested hassle hassles hay hays headache headaches headline headlines headmaster headmasters heal heals healed healing healings healer healers heather heathers heck hedge hedges heel heels height heights helicopter helicopters hen hens hero heroes heroic heroics heroically heroism hesitate hesitating unhesitating hesitatingly unhesitatingly hesitates hesitated hesitation hesitations hint hinted hinting hints hip hips hobby hobbies hobbyist hobbyists hockey hockeys Holland honey honeys hood hooded hoods hooray hurray hurrah hurrahs hop hops hopped hopping horrendous horrendously horror horrors host hosts hosting hosted housewife housewives housewifely humour humourous humourously humorously humor humorous humourless humorless humourlessly humorlessly hut huts identical identically idiot idiots idiotic idiotically idiocy idiocies idle idleness idly idling idled idles idlest idler illustrate illustrated unillustrated illustrates illustrating illustration illustrations illustrative illustrator illustrators immense immensely immensity immenseness incentive incentives incidental incidentally incline inclination inclinations inclined inclines inclining incorporate incorporated unincorporated incorporates incorporating incorporation incorporations inc index indexed indexes indexing indices indexation indulge indulged indulges indulging indulgent indulgently indulgence indulgences infect infected uninfected infects infecting infection infections infectious infectiousness infectiously noninfectious infective inherit inheritance inherited inheriting inherits inheritor inheritors inject injected injecting injection injections injects injector injectors inn inns insist insistent insistently insisted insisting insists inspire inspired inspires inspiring inspiration inspirations inspirational uninspired uninspiring install installation installations installed installing installs installer installers instant instants instantly instantaneous instantaneously instrument instruments instrumental instrumentation insult insults insulted insulting intellectual intellectualise intellectualize intellectually intellectuals intense intensely intenseness intensification intensified intensifies intensify intensifying intensity intensities intensive intensively inter interfere interfering interferes interfered interference interrupt interrupts interrupting interrupted uninterrupted interruption interruptions interval intervals intrigue intrigues intrigued intriguing intriguingly invent invents invented inventing inventor inventors invention inventions ironed irons ironing ironings irony ironies ironic ironically ironical irritate irritates irritated irritating irritation irritations isle isles jar jars jarful jaw jaws jeans jewel jewels jewelled jewellers jeweller jewellery jewelry jewelery jog jogging jogged jogs jogger joggers jolly jolliness jollity jug jugs jugful junior juniors jr jnr kettle kettles kidding kidded kidder kidders kidney kidneys kit kits knot knotted knotting knots knotty knottier knottiest laboratory laboratories lab labs ladder ladders lake lakes lamb lambs lambed lambing lamp lamps landscape landscaped landscapes landscaping landscaper landscapers lap laps lawn lawns layer layered layering layers layout layouts lazy lazier laziest laziness lazily leaf leafy leafless leafed leak leaks leaked leaking leakage leakages leaky leakier leakiest leakiness lean leans leaning leanings leaned leant leap leaping leaps leapt leaped leisure leisurely lever levered levering levers leverage leverages leveraged leveraging liable liability liabilities lid lids likeness unlike lip lips liquid liquids liquidity liquidities literature literatures litre litres liter liters millilitre millilitres milliliter milliliters mil mils mll mlls litter litters littered littering litterer litterers lodge lodged lodging lodges lodgings lodger lodgers loft lofts lone lonely loneliness loner loners lonesome loo loos loop loops lounge lounged lounging lounges lunchtime lunchtimes lung lungs luxury luxuries luxurious luxuriously luxuriant luxuriantly luxuriance magic magical magically magnet magnets magnetize magnetizes magnetized magnetizing magnetization magnetise magnetises magnetised magnetising magnetism magnetic nonmagnetic magnetically manner manners mannered manoeuvre manoeuvred manoeuvring manoeuvres manoeuverable unmanoeuverable manoeuver manoeuvered manoeuvering manoeuvers manor manors manorial manual manually manuals mar marring marred mars marched marches marching marcher marchers mask masked unmask unmasking unmasks unmasked masking masks mature immature immaturity maturation maturational matured matures maturing maturity maturely immaturely meantime meanwhile mechanic mechanics mechanical mechanically medium melt melts melting melted mend mends mended unmended mending mender menders menu menus merchant merchants merchantable merit merited unmerited meriting merits merry merrier merriest merriness merrily merriment micro mild mildness mildly mildest milder military militarily militarist militarists militarism millimetre millimetres millimeter millimeters mini miracle miracles miserable miserably misery miseries mission missions missionary missionaries mixture mixtures moan moans moaned moaning moaner moaners mobile mobility mobilities immobile immobility mock mocking mocked mocks mocker mockers mockingly monopoly monopolies monopolise monopolises monopolised monopolising monopolisation monopolize monopolizes monopolized monopolizing monopolization monopolistic monopolist monopolists monster monsters monstrous monstrously monstrosity monstrosities mood moods moody moodiness moodily moor moors mortal mortals mortally mortality mortalities immortal immortally immortality immortalities immortalize immortalizes immortalized immortalizing immortalise immortalises immortalised immortalising motive motivate motivated motivates motivating motivation motivational motivations motives unmotivated motivator motivators motorbike motorbikes mount mt mounts mounted mounting mouse mice movie movies mud muddy muddied mug mugs mugful multi multiple multiples museum museums mystery mysteries mysterious mysteriously naive naively naivety naiveties naked nakedness nay neat neatness neatly neatest neater necessity necessities needle needling needles needled neglect neglects neglecting neglected nervous nervously nervousness nest nests nesting nested neutral neutralisation neutralise neutralised neutralises neutralising neutrality neutralization neutralize neutralized neutralizes neutralizing niece nieces nightmare nightmares nightmarish nip nipping nipped nips nod nodding nodded nods nonsense nonsensical norm norms nowt nuclear nuisance nuisances numerous nut nuts oak oaken oaks obscure obscurely obscured obscures obscuring obscurity obscurities occupation occupational occupations offend offends offended offending offender offenders onwards onward oral orally orchestra orchestras orchestral organ organs orient orients oriented orienting orientate orientated orientates orientation reorient reorients reorienting reoriented reorientation orientations origin origins originate originates originated originating originator originators outcome outcomes outrage outrages outraged outrageous outrageously outraging oven ovens overcome overcoming overcomes overcame overhead overheads overnight overtake overtook overtakes overtaking overtaken overtime overtimes pace pacing paced paces paddy paddies pal pals pale paling pales paled paleness palm palms pan pans panic panicked panicking panics panick panicky panickier panickiest paperwork paperworks par pars parade paraded parading parades parcel parcels parcelled paris parisian passage passages passenger passengers passion passionate passionately passions pathetic pathetically pause pausing pauses paused pave paved unpaved paves paving pavement pavements peak peaks peaked peaking peculiar peculiarly peculiarity peculiarities pier piers penalty penalties perception perceptions personality personalities pet pets phase phased phases phasing phenomenon phenomena phenomenal photocopy photocopied photocopying photocopies photocopier photocopiers piano pianos pianist pianists pigeon pigeons pilot pilots piloted piloting pinch pinches pinched pinching pity pitying pitiful pitiless pitilessly pitifully pities pitied unpitied plaster plastered plasters plastering platform platforms plonk plonks plonked plonking plonker plonkers plot plotted plotting plots plotter plotters plough ploughs ploughed ploughing ploughman ploughmen plowed plowing plows plumb plumbs plumbed plumbing plumber plumbers poison poisons poisonous poisoning poisoned poisoner poisoners poke pokes poked poking poker pokers pole poles polite politely politest politer politeness politenesses pollute pollutes polluted polluting polluter polluters pollutant pollutants pollution pollutions antipollution pond ponds port ports portion portions pose posed poses posing poser posers posh posher poshest possess possessed possesses possessing possessive possession possessions possessor possessors repossess repossesses repossessed repossessing repossession repossessions postcard postcards potter potters pottered pottering powder powders powdered powdery praise praises praised praising preach preaching preaches preachers preacher preached precede preceded precedence precedent precedents precedes preceding unprecedented predict predictability predictable predictably predicted predicting prediction predictions predicts unpredictability unpredictable predictive predictor predictors premise premises prescription prescriptions pride prides prince princes princely princelier princeliest princeliness princess princesses principal principally principals privilege privileged privileges prominent prominently prompt prompts promptly prompting prompted pronounce pronouncing pronounces pronounced proof proofs punch punched punches punching punish punishable nonpunishable punishing punishes punished punishment punishments purple purplish purse purses pursed pursing puzzle puzzles puzzled puzzling puzzler puzzlers puzzlement puzzlements quantity quantities quantitative quantitatively query queried querying queries questionnaire questionnaires queue queues queued queuing rabbit rabbits racist racists racism rack racks racked racking rackings rag rags raggy random randomly randomness randomise randomises randomised ranomising randomisation randomisations randomize randomizes randomized randomizing randomization randomizations rank ranked ranking ranks rat rats ratty rattle rattles rattled rattling rattler rattlers raw rawness rawest rawer rear reared rearing rears rebel rebels rebelled rebelling rebellings rebellion rebellions rebellious rebelliousness rebelliously receipt receipts reception receptions receptionist receptionists recipe recipes referee refereed refereeing referees refresh refreshes refreshed refreshing refreshingly refreshment refreshments refresher refreshers regret regretting regretful regretted regrets regrettable regrettably regretfully rehearse rehearses rehearsed rehearsing rehearsal rehearsals relieve relieving relieves relieved remote remotely remoteness remoter remotest reproduce reproduces reproducing reproduced reproduction reproductions reproducible reputation reputations rescue rescued rescuer rescuers rescues rescuing resign resigns resigning resigned resignedly resignation resignations resort resorts resorted resorting restaurant restaurants restore restoration restorations restored unrestored restores restoring restorer restorers restorative retail retailer retailers retails retailed retailing reveal revealed unrevealed revealing reveals revelation revelations revolt revolted revolting revolts reward rewarded unrewarded unrewarding rewarding rewards rhyme rhyming unrhyming rhymed rhymes rhythm rhythms rhythmic rhythmical rhythmically ribbon ribbons rip ripped ripping rips rocket rockets rocketed rocketing rope ropes roping roped roses rosy rosier rosiest rosiness rosily rot rotting rotted rots rotate rotates rotated rotating rotatory rotation rotations rotational rotten rottener rottenest rottenness rottenly routine routinely routines subroutine subroutines rove roving roved roves rover rovers rubber rubbers rubbery rude rudeness rudely ruder rudest rugby ruin ruins ruinous ruinously ruined ruining ruination rumour rumoured rumours rumor rumors rumored rumoring rumouring sacrifice sacrificing sacrifices sacrificed sacrificial saint saintly saints salvation satellite satellites sausage sausages scan scanned scanning scans scanner scanners scope scout scouts scrap scrapped scrapping scraps scrape scrapes scraped scraping scraper scrapers scratch scratching scratches scratched unscratched scratchy scratchiness scream screamed screaming screams scribble scribbles scribbled scribbling scribbler scribblers script scripts unscripted scrub scrubbing scrubbed scrubs seal sealed unsealed sealing seals sealant sealants seed seeds seeding seeded seedling seedlings seldom semi sensitive sensitivity sensitivities insensitivity insensitive sensitively sergeant sergeants sgt sgts serjeant serjeants sarge sew sews sewed sewing sewn unsewn shade shaded shading shadings shady shadiness shades shadow shadowed shadowing shadows shadowy shave shaves shaved shaving shaver shavers shaven unshaven sheer sheerness shelf shelves shell shells shelling shelled unshelled shelter shelters sheltering sheltered unsheltered shield shields shielding shielded unshielded shine shined shines shining shone shiny shore shores shoreline shove shoves shoved shoving shovel shovels shovelful shovelling shovelled shy shyly shyness signature signatures silence silenced unsilenced silences silencing silent silently silencer silencers silk silks silky silkiness silkier silkiest silkily silken silver silvery sincere sincerely sincerity sixpence sixpences skeleton skeletons sketch sketched sketches sketching skip skipping skipped skips slap slapping slapped slaps slash slashes slashed slashing slasher slashers slave slaves slavery sleeve sleeves sleeveless slice sliced unsliced slices slicing slim slimmed slims slimming slimmings slimmer slimmers slimmest slimly slimness slot slots slotting slotted smack smacks smacked smacking smacker smackers smooth smooths smoothly smoothing smoothed smoothness smoothnesses smoother smoothest snap snapped snaps snapping snapper snappers sneak sneaks sneaked sneaking sneaker sneakers sneaky sneakiness sneakily sniff sniffs sniffed sniffing sniffer sniffers soak soaks soaked soaking socialist socialists soil soils soldier soldiers sole solely somewhat sophisticated unsophisticated sore soreness sorely sores sorer sorest soul souls soulful soulfully soulless soullessly soup soups soupy spark sparks sparked sparking species sp spp spectacle spectacles spec specs speculate speculated speculates speculating speculation speculations speculator speculators speculative speculatively spill spills spilling spilled spilt unspilt spillage spillages spin spun spins spinning spit spits spitting spat spitter spitters spite spiteful spitefulness spitefully splash splashes splashed splashing splendid splendidly spoil spoils spoiling spoiled spoilt unspoilt unspoiled spoon spooned spooning spoons spoonful spray sprays sprayed spraying sprayer sprayers squash squashed squashing squashes squashy squashier squashiest squeeze squeezed squeezes squeezing stab stabbing stabbed stabs stack stacks stacked unstacked stacking stain stains stained staining stainless stake staked stakes staking stare stared stares staring starve starves starved starving starvation steady unsteady unsteadily steadying steadily steadies steadied steadier steadiest steadiness steal stole stolen steals stealing stealer stealers steam steaming steams steamed steamy steep steepness steepest steeper steeply steer steers steering steered sticky stickier stickiest stickiness stickily stiff stiffly stiffness stiffest stiffer stiffens stiffening stiffened stiffen stink stank stunk stinks stinking stinker stinkers stir stirs stirring stirred stitch stitches stitched stitching stitchery stomach stomachs storm stormed storming storms straightforward straightforwardly strain strained straining strains strap strapless strapping strapped straps unstrap unstrapping unstrapped unstraps straw straws stream streamed streaming streams strict strictness strictly strictest stricter stride strode strides striding string strings stringing strung stringy stripe stripes stripey striped striping stroke strokes stroked stroking strokings subsidy subsidies subsidize subsidizes subsidized subsidizing subsidizer subsidizers subsidise subsidises subsidised subsidising subsidiser subsidisers substance substances substitute substituted substitutes substituting substitution subtle unsubtle subtly subtleness subtler subtlest suck sucks sucking sucked suicide suicidal suicides suite suites superb superbly supermarket supermarkets supervise supervised unsupervised supervises supervising supervision supervisors supervisor supervisory supper suppers supplement supplementary supplemented supplementing supplements supplementation supplemental surgeon surgeons surgery surgeries surname surnames surround surrounded surrounding surrounds surroundings suspend suspended suspending suspends suspension suspensions suspenders suspicious suspiciously swallow swallows swallowing swallowed swan swans swap swapping swapped swaps sweat sweats sweaty sweatier sweatiest sweated sweating swede swedes Sweden Swedish sweep swept sweeps sweeping sweeper sweepers swing swung swings swinging Switzerland swiss symbol symbolic symbolical symbolically symbolise symbolises symbolised symbolising symbolism symbolize symbolized symbolizes symbolizing symbols sympathy sympathies sympathetic unsympathetic unsympathetically sympathetically symptom symptoms symptomatic symptomatically tab tabs tabbed tabbing tack tacks tacked tacking tag tags tagged untagged tagging tale tales talent talented untalented talents taxi taxis tease teases teased teasing teasingly teaser teasers teenage teenager teenagers teenaged telecom telecoms temper tempers tempt tempts tempting tempted temptation temptations tender tenderness tenderly tennis tense tensed tenses tensing tension tensely tenser tensest tensions tent tents terminal terminally terminals terminate terminated terminates terminating termination terminations terminator terminators terrace terraced terraces terracing terrific terrifically terrify terrifies terrified terrifying terrifyingly therapy therapies therapist therapists thief thieves thieved thieving thorough thoroughness thoroughly thrill thrilled thrilling thrills thriller thrillers throat throats throaty thumb thumbs thumbed thumbing thumbings thunder thundered thundering thunders thundery thunderous thunderously thus tide tides tidal tilled tilling tills tiller tillers timber timbered timbers timetable timetables timetabled timetabling tissue tissues toe toes token tokens tokenism tone tones tonal tonality toned toning toner toners tongue tongues torch torched torching torches toss tosses tossed tossing towel towels towelette towelettes towelling towellings trace traced traces tracing traceable untraceable tragedy tragedies tragedian tragedians tragic tragically trail trailed trails trailing transform transformation transformations transformational transformed transforming transforms transformer transformers translate translating translates translated translation translations translator translators transmit transmission transmissions transmitted transmitting transmits transmitter transmitters trap traps trapping trapped trapper trappers tread trod treads treading triangle triangles triangular trigger triggered triggering triggers trivial trivially triviality trivialities trivialize trivializes trivialized trivializing trivialization trivialise trivialises trivialised trivialising trivialisation trolley trolleys troop troops trophy trophies truck trucks trucked trucking trucker truckers tube tubes tumble tumbles tumbled tumbling tumbler tumblers tunnel tunnels tunnelled tunnelling tunnellings turkey Turk Turks Turkish twin twins twinned twinning twist twists twisting twisted untwisted tyre tyres underground underline underlined underlines underlining undo undid undone undoes undoing uniform uniforms uniformed uniformity uniformly unique uniquely uniqueness upper upwards upward upwardly urge urging urges urged urgent urgently urgency nonurgent utilise utilises utilised utilising utilisation utiliser utilisers utilize utilizes utilized utilizing utilization utilizer utilizers utility utilities vacuum vacuums vacuumed vacuuming vague vaguely vagueness vandal vandals vandalize vandalizes vandalized vandalizing vandalise vandalises vandalised vandalising vandalism vandalisms vat verbal verbally nonverbal verbalize verbalizes verbalized verbalizing verbalise verbalises verbalised verbalising verbalisation verbalizations versus vs vest vests vested vesting vet vets veterinary veterinarian veterinarians via vice vices vicious viciousness viciously Victorian Victorians victory victories victorious virgin virginity virginal virgins virus viruses visible visibly invisible invisibly visibility invisibility vision visions visionary visual visualise visualised visualising visualisation visualize visualized visualizing visualization visually vital vitally voucher vouchers wagon wagons waggon waggons wallet wallets wallpaper wallpapers wander wanders wandering wanderings wandered wanderer wanderers wardrobe wardrobes warehouse warehouses warrant warrants warranted unwarranted warranting weapon weapons weed weeds weedless weedy weedier weediest weeded weeding welfare whack whacks whacked whacking whacker whackers whatsoever wheelchair wheelchairs whereabouts whereby whip whipping whipped whips whiskey whiskeys whisky whiskies whistle whistles whistled whistling whistler whistlers whoop whoops whooped whooping whooper whoopers wicked wickeder wickedest wickedness wickedly widow widows widower widowed widowhood widowhoods wig wigs wigged wild wilder wildest wildly wildness willy willies wobble wobbles wobbled wobbling wobbly wolf wolves wolfish wool wools woollen woolly woolies workshop workshops worthwhile wound wounds wounded unwounded wounding wreck wrecks wrecked wrecking wrecker wreckers wreckage wreckages wrestle wrestles wrestled wrestling wrestler wrestlers wrist wrists Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Yugoslavians Yugoslav Yugoslavs Zealand Zealander Zealanders zone zones zonal zoned zoning DONELIST