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User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC13LIST

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This is the thirteenth of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE ABC ABCs academia academias accoutrement accoutrements accretion accretions acolyte acolytes acquisitive acquisitiveness acquisitively acrid acridness acridly acridity acupuncture acupunctures adduce adduces adduced adducing aeronautical aeronautically aeronautics aetiology aetiologies alumni alumnus amethyst amethysts amulet amulets anachronism anachronisms anchovy anchovies andes andean angler anglers antiquary antiquaries antithetical antithetically aphid aphids apogee apogees apparatchik apparatchiks appellate apse apses archly archness artichoke artichokes askance atoll atolls auld autonomic aviator aviators axial axially backpack backpacks backpacked backpacking backpacker backpackers basalt basalts basaltic bauble baubles BC beagle beagles bedraggled betrothed betroths betroth betrothing betrothal betrothals biomass biomasses biosphere biospheres biplane biplanes birdsong birdsongs bivouac bivouacs bleary blearier bleariest bleariness blearily borderland borderlands bower bowers bowman bowmen brackish brackishness bravura bravuras cadaver cadavers cadaverous cadmium cadmiums carboniferous carcase carcases carnivore carnivores carnivorous carnivorousness carnivorously cartesian casa catfish catfishes cathode cathodes caucus caucuses cavalcade cavalcades cavort cavorts cavorted cavorting cbe cbes celibacy celibacies celibate celibates cenotaph cenotaphs centrifuge centrifuges centrifuged centrifuging centrifugal centrifugals centrifugally centurion centurions cf chafe chafes chafed chafing chambermaid chambermaids charade charades chequered chieftain chieftains chieftainship chieftainships chloroform chloroforms chrysalis chrysalises churchman churchmen churchwarden churchwardens cicada cicadas cinque cipher ciphers encipher enciphers enciphered enciphering cirrhosis cistercian clampdown clampdowns climactic cloy cloyed cloying cloys cloyingly coda codas codify codifies codified codifying codification codifications cognate cognates colitis colitises collagen colombia colombian colombians colonic colonnade colonnades colossus colossuses comatose commonality commonalities communique communiques comptroller comptrollers concave concaveness concavely concavity concavities concentric concentrically condor condors confidante confidantes conflagration conflagrations contraband convocation convocations cosmological courtesan courtesans cruciform crustacean crustaceans cupola cupolas cypher cyphers deadweight deadweights deconstruct deconstructed deconstructs deconstructing deconstruction deconstructions deconstructionism deconstructionist deconstructionists dei demesne demesnes dervish dervishes desultory desultorily detritus diaspora diasporas dichotomy dichotomies didactic didactically discernible discernibly indiscernible discomfiture discomfitures disembodied disembodiment disengage disengages disengaged disengaging disengagement disengagements dishevelled dismember dismembers dismembered dismembering dismemberment dismemberments disown disowns disowned disowning ditty ditties diy doctrinaire dormer dormers dorsal dorsally dossier dossiers dowager dowagers downy downier downiest dragoon dragoons duress duresses dysfunction dysfunctions dysfunctional earshot earshots ebullient ebulliently ebullience eclectic eclecticism eclectically ecosystem ecosystems ecu ecus effuse effused effusing effuses effusive effusion effusions egotistical egotistically electromagnetic electromagnetically embattled emblazon emblazons emblazoned emblazoning emblazonment emblazonments gastric ibm imperious imperiousness imperiously impervious imperviously impetuous impetuousness impetuously implacable implacably impound impounds impounded impounding impressionistic impressionistically inalienable inalienably incantation incantations incipient incipiently incomprehension incomprehensions incongruity incongruities incontrovertible incontrovertibly incorrigible incredulous incredulously indolent indolence indomitable indomitably inductive inductively ingest ingests ingested ingesting ingestion inimical inimically innkeeper innkeepers insatiable insatiably inscrutable inscrutableness inscrutably inscrutability insubstantial insubstantially insuperable insuperably intelligentsia intelligentsias interlocutor interlocutors interlocutory interlope interlopes interloped interloping interloper interlopers interminable interminably internecine interwar interwars invective invectives invertebrate invertebrates inveterate invigorate invigorates invigorated invigorating invigoratingly irascible irascibly iridescent iridescently irreconcilable irreconcilably irrefutable irrefutably isthmus itinerant itinerants jackal jackals jacobean jacobite jacobites jaded jadedness jadedly jellyfish jellyfishes jerkin jerkins jesuit jesuits jitter jitters jittery jitterier jitteriest jocular jocularly jocularity jocularities jovial jovially joviality jovialities jowl jowls jowly jowlier jowliest jubilant jubilantly jubilance junta juntas jurisprudence jurisprudences jurist jurists kantian kindred kingship kingships kitsch kitsches kitschy kitschier kitschiest knave knaves knobbly knoll knolls kosher lacerate lacerates lacerated lacerating laceration lacerations lacklustre laconic laconically laity laities lamplight lamplights lancet lancets landowning landslide landslides languid languidness languidly laptop laptops larva larvas larvae larval larynx larynxes latex latexes latrine latrines laureate laureates laureateship laureateships lb lbs leer leers leered leering lexis limpet limpets lineage lineages lire lires litany litanies loam loams loamy loamier loamiest loggerhead loggerheads longitude longitudes longitudinal longitudinally longterm lope lopes loped loping loudspeaker loudspeakers lovemaking lovemakings lowland lowlands lozenge lozenges lugubrious lugubriousness lugubriously lullaby lullabies lumen lumens luminescence luminescences luminescent lurid luridness luridly lute lutes lymph lymphs macabre machination machinations madhouse madhouses maelstrom maelstroms magnanimous magnanimously magnox makeup makeups malform malformed malforms malforming malformation malformations malfunction malfunctioned malfunctioning malfunctions mangrove mangroves manhandle manhandles manhandled manhandling manna mannas manx marque marques marquess marquesses marshland marshlands masochism masochisms masque masques mastermind masterminds masterminded masterminding matriculate matriculated matriculates matriculating matriculation matriculations matrimony matrimonial matting mattings maudlin mausoleum mausoleums maverick mavericks maximal maximally mba mbas mbe mbes mealtime mealtimes meander meanders meandered meandering medallion medallions medic medics megawatt megawatts mw melancholy melancholily melancholic melanoma melanomas melodrama melodramas mercurial mercurially metabolic metabolically metallurgical metallurgy metallurgies metallurgist metallurgists metalwork metalworks metamorphic metamorphose metamorphoses metamorphosed metamorphosing metamorphosis meteorological meteorology meteorologies meteorologist meteorologists methinks methodism mica micas microfiche microfiches micron microns microsystem microsystems middleman middlemen middleweight middleweights midge midges midriff midriffs milieu milieus milieux militiaman militiamen millennia millennias millstone millstones minaret minarets minicomputer minicomputers miniscule ministration ministrations minnow minnows minutia minutiae miscellany miscellanies misconduct misconducts misdeed misdeeds missive missives mistletoe mistletoes mitre mitres modality modalities modem modems mogul moguls mollify mollifies mollified mollifying monograph monographs montage montages moorish moray morays moribund morose moroseness morosely morroco moroccan morrocans morsel morsels mosque mosques motel motels motherland motherlands motley moult moults moulted moulting mournful mournfulness mournfully mph mphs msc mucosa mucus mucuses mucous mucose mucosal multicoloured multidisciplinary multifarious multifariousness multifariously multilingual multilingualism multiracial multivariate muscovite muscovites musty mustier mustiest mustiness mustily myopic myopically namesake namesakes nape napes narcotic narcotics nascent nave naves navigable neanderthal neanderthals necrosis necroses nemesis nemeses neolithic neonatal nepotism nepotisms nervy nervier nerviest nerviness neutrino neutrinos nickel nickels nightcap nightcaps nightfall nightfalls nightgown nightgowns nimbus nimbuses nobleman noblemen noir nomenclature nomenclatures nonchalant nonchalance nonchalantly nondescript nonplussed nordic normative notary notaries notarize notarizes notarized notarizing notarization notarise notarises notarised notarising notarisation noticeboard noticeboards nursemaid nursemaids nurseryman nurserymen nutcracker nutcrackers oarsman oarsmen obelisk obelisks obstinate obstinately obstinacy obstinacies obtuse obtuseness obtusely obverse obverses oddball oddballs ode odes oedema offal offals ogre ogres ogreish oilfield oilfields oilseed oilseeds olfactory omniscient omnisciently omniscience ontological ontologically opacity opacities operetta operettas ophthalmic opiate opiates opus opuses orb orbs orifice orifices outback outbacks outboard outclass outclasses outclassed outclassing outcrop outcrops outdo outdid outdoes outdoing outdone outermost outflank outflanks outflanked outflanking outgrow outgrew outgrows outgrowing outgrowth outgrowths outlandish outlandishness outlandishly outlast outlasts outlasted outlasting outpace outpaces outpaced outpacing outperform outperforms outperformed outperforming outpost outposts outpouring outpourings outreach outreaches outsize outsized outwith overhang overhangs overhung overhanging overwinter overwinters overwintered overwintering pacifism pacifisms pacifist pacifists pageant pageants palais palazzo palladian palpable palpably impalpable impalpably paltry paltrier paltriest paltriness panama panamanian panamanians pang pangs pantheon pantheons papacy papacies paperweight paperweights papyrus papyruses parkland parklands parody parodied parodying parodies parodist parodists parse parses parsed parsing paternal paternally paternalism paternalisms pathogen pathogens pathos patrician patricians patrimony patrimonies payday paydays peal peals pectoral pectorals pejorative pejoratively pelagic penitent penitents penitently impenitently peppercorn peppercorns perceptible perceptibly imperceptible imperceptibly perceptibility percolate percolates percolated percolating percolation perinatal permeable impermeable impermeably permeability permeabilities impermeability perquisite perquisites pert perter pertest pertness pertly pervade pervades pervaded pervading phial phials phlegmatic phlegmatically phoneme phonemes phonemic phosphorus phosphoruses phosphorylation phosphorylations pickpocket pickpockets piety pieties pillory pillories pilloried pillorying plankton planktons plasterwork plasterworks platitude platitudes platitudinous platter platters playmate playmates plaything playthings plenary plenaries plexus plover plovers plucky pluckier pluckiest pluckiness pluckily plume plumed plumes plumage plumages polemic polemics polemical polemically polemicist polemicists politburo pollster pollsters polynesia polynesian polynesians polyunsaturated polyurethane polyurethanes poolside porcupine porcupines porpoise porpoises portent portents portentous portentousness portentously posit posits posited positing postbag postbags posterior postmodern postmodernism postmodernist postmodernists postwar poultice poultices poundage poundages precocious precociousness precociously precondition preconditioned preconditioning preconditions predestined predestination predestinations prefabricated premiss premisses preponderance preponderances preposition prepositions prepositional prepositionally preset presets presetting pretension pretensions prewar prism prisms privation privations procreate procreates procreated procreating procreation procreations procreative procurator procurators prodigious prodigiously profane profaneness profanely profanity profanities proffer proffers proffered proffering profligate profligates profligately progenitor progenitors progeny progenies projectile projectiles proletarian promiscuity promiscuities promissory prophylactic propitious unpropitious propitiously propound propounds propounded propounding propulsion propulsions proscribe proscribes proscribed proscribing proscription proximal psalter psalters psaltery publicist publicists puffin puffins pumice pumices punctilious punctiliousness punctiliously pungent pungently putrid pyre pyres quadrangle quadrangles quagmire quagmires quandary quandaries quash quashes quashed quashing quayside quaysides queasy queasier queasiest queasiness queasily quicksand quicksands quintet quintets rabies radiance radiances radiant radiantly radish radishes rainstorm rainstorms rampart ramparts rancid rancidness rancidity rancidities rancour rancours rankle rankles rankled rankling ransack ransacks ransacked ransacking rapprochement rapprochements rapt raptness raptly rapturous rapturously rasher rashers raucous raucousness raucously ravine ravines rayon rayons reagent reagents realign realigns realigned realigning realignment realignments rearguard rearguards rearm rearmed rearming rearms rearmament rearmaments rebuff rebuffs rebuffed rebuffing recapitulate recapitulates recapitulated recapitulating recapitulation recapitulations recast recasts recasting recce recces receptacle receptacles reciprocity reciprocities recluse recluses reclusive reclusiveness recoil recoils recoiled recoiling rectitude rectitudes redhead redheads redolent redoubtable redoubtably refractive refuel refuels refueled refueling regale regales regaled regaling regalement regalements regalia regency regencies regimen regimens reinvent reinvents reinvented reinventing reinvention reinventions rejoinder rejoinders rekindle rekindles rekindled rekindling reliquary reliquaries reload reloads reloaded reloading replete repleteness repose reposing reposed reposes reposeful reprove reproves reproved reproving repulse repulses repulsed repulsing repulsion resonant resonantly resplendent resplendently restaurateur restaurateurs restitution restitutions restive restiveness restively retina retinas retinal retrace retraces retraced retracing retrenchment retrenchments retrial retrials reverie reveries revile reviles reviled reviling reviler revilers revilement revilements rhesus rickety ricketier ricketiest rime rimes ringside ringsides riposte ripostes rivulet rivulets rococo rollercoaster rollercoasters rollicking romanesque rookie rookies rosary rosaries rosebud rosebuds rosewood rosewoods rouble roubles rout routs router routers rpm rpms rspca rubric rubrics rueful ruefully ruffian ruffians ruffianly rumple rumples rumpling rumpled ruse ruses russet rutted sadism sadisms sae salamander salamanders salient saliently salience saliences sallow sallower sallowest sallowness salvo salvoes samurai samurais sanctum sanctums sanguine sanguinely sans sanskrit sapling saplings sapper sappers sardonic sardonically sarong sarongs sartorial sartorially satchel satchels satyr satyrs savannah savannahs saxophone saxophones sax saxes scabbard scabbards scarecrow scarecrows sceptre sceptres schema schemas schism schisms scholastic scholasticism scholastically schoolfriend schoolfriends schoolmate schoolmates schoolroom schoolrooms scion scions scold scolds scolded scolding scoundrel scoundrels scree screes screenplay screenplays scrip scrips scriptwriter scriptwriters scrummage scrummages scrutinise scrutinises scrutinised scrutinising scuff scuffs scuffed scuffing scupper scuppers scuppered scuppering scurrilous scurrilousness scurrilously scurvy scurvies seabird seabirds seashore seashores seaward secession secessions secessionist secessionists sedentary sedition seditions seditious seductive seductiveness seductively seismic seismically seminal sepia sepias serenade serenades serf serfs serfdom serfdoms serpentine serrate serrating serrates serration serrations serrated servile servility servilities servitude servitudes sf sciencefiction shale shales shaman shamans shamanism shamefaced shamefacedly shard shards sheathe sheathes sheathed sheathing unsheathe unsheathes unsheathed unsheathing sheikh sheikhs sheikhdom sheikhdoms shellfish shellfishes sherd sherds shew shews shewed shewing shia shias shipowner shipowners shipwreck shipwrecks shoal shoals shoelace shoelaces shoestring shoestrings shortlist shortlists showbiz showbusiness showcase showcases showdown showdowns showpiece showpieces showy showier showiest showiness showily shrew shrews shrewish shrewishly shrewishness shrift shrifts shutdown shutdowns sideshow sideshows sidewalk sidewalks signor signors simile similes sinew sinews sinewy sinuous sinuously sire sired siring sires skein skeins sketchbook sketchbooks skit skits skitter skitters skittered skittering skitterish skulk skulks skulked skulking skulker skulkers skylark skylarks sliver slivers smite smote smites smiting smitten smokescreen smokescreens snowflake snowflakes snuffle snuffles snuffled snuffling socialite socialites softwood softwoods solicitous solicitousness solicitously solver solvers sombre sombreness sombrely soy spectrometry spectrometries spectroscopy spectroscopies spiritualist spiritualists splendour splendours splendor splendors splice splices spliced splicing splicer splicers spoof spoofs spoofed spoofing springer springers springy springier springiest springiness springily squirm squirms squirmed squirming stakeholder stakeholders stakeholding stakeholdings stalactite stalactites stardust stardusts stepdaughter stepdaughters steppe steppes stillbirth stillbirths stillborn stolid stolider stolidest stolidness stolidly stolidity stolidities stonemason stonemasons storyline storylines streamer streamers stronghold strongholds strum strumming strummed strums strummer strummers sturgeon sturgeons suave suaveness suavely suavity suavities subaltern subalterns subsoil subsoils substrate substrates suchlike sucrose sucroses sullen sullener sullenest sullenness sullenly sultry sultrier sultriest sultriness sultrily sunburn sunburns suntan suntans supercomputer supercomputers supine supinely supranational supremo supremos surfeit surfeits surpass surpasses surpassed surpassing unsurpassed suture sutures swahili swahilis swastika swastikas swingeing swoon swoons swooned swooning swordfish swordfishes symbiosis symbioses synapse synapses synaptic synchronise synchronises synchronised synchronising synchronisation synoptic syphon syphons syphoned syphoning tableware tablewares tabular talisman talismans talon talons tambourine tambourines tantamount tarn tarns taxonomy taxonomies taxonomist taxonomists taxonomic teacup teacups teacupful technocrat technocrats technocratic tectonic tenacious tenaciousness tenaciously tendril tendrils tenet tenets terrine terrines terse terseness tersely teuton teutons teutonic theorise theorises theorised theorising theorize theorizes theorized theorizing therefrom thermodynamics thither thong thongs thoroughbred thoroughbreds throb throbs throbbed throbbing thrombosis thromboses throng throngs thronged thronging thymus thymuses tiara tiaras tightrope tightropes timbre timbres tipsy tipsier tipsiest tipsiness tipsily titter titters tittered tittering titterer titterers toff toffs toffy toga togas topaz topazes topmost topsoil topsoils torpor torpors torque torques tort torts touchdown touchdowns tousle tousling tousles tousled townscape townscapes townsman townsmen townspeople towpath towpaths trajectory trajectories tramway tramways transept transepts transfix transfixes transfixed transfixing transnational transnationally transsexual transsexualism transverse transversely travail travails travesty travesties tremulous tremulousness tremulously trenchant trenchantly tress tresses triad triads triathlon triathlons tribesman tribesmen trickster tricksters tricycle tricycles trilogy trilogies trinket trinkets tripos trite triteness tritely triumphal triumphalism triumphalist triumphalists troubadour troubadours trounce trounces trounced trouncing trouncer trouncers troupe troupes trove troves truculent truculently truculence tuber tubers tuberous tunic tunics turban turbans tureen tureens turgid turgidly turgidity turgidities turnkey turnkeys turquoise turret turrets turreted tusk tusks tussle tussled tussling tussles tutelage tutelages tuxedo tuxedoes twain twains twitter twitters twittered twittering typeset typesets typesetter typesetters typesetting typesettings typology typologies ubiquitous ubiquitously udder udders ulterior ultrasonic ultrasonically ultrasound ultrasounds umpteenth unabashed unabashedly unabated unabating unbridled undercarriage undercarriages underclothe underclothes underclothing underdog underdogs underrate underrates underrated underrating underworld underworlds undulate undulates undulated undulating undulation undulations unencumbered ungainly ungainlier ungainliest ungainliness unheeded unitarian unitarians unkempt unproblematic unrelieved unrelievedly unrequited unseemly unseemlier unseemliest unseemliness untimely untimelier untimeliest untimeliness untrammelled unwieldy unwieldier unwieldiest unwieldiness unwitting unwittingly upend upends upended upending upstage upstages upstaged upstaging urbane urbanely urbanity urbanities urchin urchins uv ultraviolet vacuous vacuousness vacuously vanquish vanquishes vanquished vanquishing vanquisher vanquishers varsity varsities vasectomy vasectomies vassal vassals vaulting vaultings vaulted vaunted VC VCs VDU VDUs vellum vellums vendetta vendettas venerable venerate venerated venerates venerating veneration venerations vengeful vengefully ventral veracity veracities verdant verdantly verisimilitude verisimilitudes veritable veritably vernacular vernaculars vertigo vertigoes verve verves vestige vestiges vestment vestments VHF vial vials vicarious vicariousness vicariously viceroy viceroys vicissitude vicissitudes viewfinder viewfinders vignette vignettes vilify vilifies vilified vilifying vilification vilifications vip vips viper vipers viperous virtuosity virtuosities virtuoso virtuosos visceral viscerally viscose viscoses viscous viscosity viscosities vista vistas vitiate vitiates vitiated vitiating vitiation vitriolic vitriolically viva vivas vivacious vivaciousness vivaciously voluminous voluminousness voluminously voodoo voodoos voodooism voracious voraciousness voraciously vortex vortexes waif waifs wallaby wallabies wanton wantonness wantonly warbler warblers warlike washout washouts washroom washrooms watchword watchwords watercolour watercolours watercourse watercourses watercress watercresses waterfront waterfronts waterlily waterlilies waterside watersides watersport watersports waveform waveforms WC WCs wheedle wheedles wheedled wheedling wheedler wheedlers whig whigs whimper whimpers whimpered whimpering whiting whitings whorl whorls wile wiles wily wilier wiliest wiliness wilt wilts wilted wilting windsurfer windsurfers wistful wistfulness wistfully wizen wizening wizened wizens womenfolk womenfolks woodcut woodcuts wooded woodwind woodwinds workmanlike worsted worsteds yelp yelps yelped yelping yuan yuans zany zanier zaniest zaniness zenith zeniths ENDLIST