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  • IPA (key): /ˈɪs.lɑːm/ or /ˈɪz.lɑːm/ or /ɪsˈlɑːm/ or /ɪzˈlɑːm/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: Is‧lam

Proper noun


Proper noun

  1. Islam is a religion that teaches there is only one God, that Muhammad is his prophet, and that the Koran is God's scripture.
    There is a close historical relationship between Christianity and Islam.
    These young men who are planning these attacks have quite a radical view of Islam and the Koran.

Major religions of the world (edit)

Atheism - Buddhism - Christianity - Confucianism - Hinduism - Islam - Jainism -

Judaism - Paganism - Shamanism - Sikhism - Taoism - Wicca - Zoroastrianism -