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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Other spellings



  • IPA (key): /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd ˌhɜrtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/, enPR: bŏz′·nē·ə and hûrts′·ə·gōv′·ĭn·ə
  • IPA (key): /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd hɜrtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/, enPR: bŏz′·nē·ə and hûrts′·ə·gōv′·ĭn·ə
  • IPA (key): /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd ˌhɜrtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/, enPR: bŏz′·nē·ə ənd hûrts′·ə·gōv′·ĭn·ə
  • IPA (key): /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd hɜrtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/, enPR: bŏz′·nē·ə ənd hûrts′·ə·gōv′·ĭn·ə
  • (file)

Proper noun


Proper noun
Bosnia and Herzegovina

A map showing where Bosnia and Herzegovina is
A map of the cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  1. Bosnia is a country on the Balkan peninsula in Europe. The capital city is Sarajevo.