
From Wiktionary

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To get template for titleTag.textContent, process MediaWiki:pagetitle,
open your browser's JavaScript console on a Wiktionary page
and run this code:
((msg) => new mw.Api().getMessages(msg).then((messages) => {
	const titleTemplate = new mw.Message(mw.messages, msg, ["$1"]).text();
	const {
	} = /^(?<before>.*)\$1(?<after>.*)/.exec(titleTemplate).groups;
	console.log(before, after)
We can do this for action=edit and action=submit by replacing
"pagetitle" with "editing" in this snippet.
function setTitle(newTitle) {
	// Set title tag, which determines the title shown in the browser.
	var titleTag = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
	titleTag.textContent = newTitle + " - Wiktionary";
	// Set the text of the first heading above the page content.
	document.getElementById('firstHeading').textContent = newTitle;
var UnsupportedTitlesJson = require('./UnsupportedTitles.json');
var wgPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName');

 * On subpages of Unsupported titles and Talk:Unsupported titles, show the
 * correct title in the header at the top of the page. For instance, on the page
 * [[Unsupported titles/Left curly bracket]], show the title {.
 * This is not enabled in the mobile version of the site.
 * For all such pages, see [[Special:PrefixIndex/Unsupported titles]].
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view'
&& (/^(?:Talk:)?Unsupported_titles\//.test(wgPageName)
|| UnsupportedTitlesJson.TitleDisplay.hasOwnProperty(wgPageName))) {
	$(function() {
		try {
			var match = /^(?:Talk:)?Unsupported_titles\/(.+)$/.exec(wgPageName);
			var newTitle;
			if (match) {
				var subpage = match && match[1];
				newTitle = UnsupportedTitlesJson.UnsupportedTitles[subpage] || subpage;
			} else {
				newTitle = UnsupportedTitlesJson.TitleDisplay[wgPageName];
			if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'Talk')
				newTitle = 'Talk:' + newTitle;
		} catch (e) {
			console.log('Error while changing title: ' + e.message + '.');

 * This redirects a user to the correct Unsupported titles page if they attempt
 * to access an invalid title. For instance, if you attempt to access the page
 * for <
 * you will be redirected to
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Badtitle') {
	 * Get the name of the page that the user attempted to access using either
	 * the portion of the URL after "/wiki/" or the value of the "title"
	 * parameter in the query. That is, the user is accessing the page using
	 * either the path /wiki/<invalid title> or a path similar to
	 * /w/index.php?title=<invalid title>.
	 * The actual page displayed if a user attempts to access an invalid title
	 * is the special page with the canonical title [[Special:Badtitle]].
	var rxArticlePath = new RegExp('^' + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', '(.*)') + '$');
	var m = rxArticlePath.exec(location.pathname);
	var title = m ? decodeURIComponent(m[1]) : mw.util.getParamValue('title');

	var badTitleSubpage = UnsupportedTitlesJson.BadTitles[title];
	if (badTitleSubpage) {
		location.href = mw.util.getUrl('Unsupported titles/' + badTitleSubpage);