User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC6LIST

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This is the sixth of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE abbreviate abbreviated abbreviates abbreviating abbreviation abbreviations abdicate abdicates abdicated abdicating abdication abdications abstain abstains abstained abstaining abstainer abstainers abundance abundances abundant abundantly abysmal abysmally accessory accessories accessorize accessorizes accessorized accessorizing accessorise accessorises accessorised accessorising accomplish accomplishes accomplished accomplishing accomplishment accomplishments accustom unaccustomed accustomed accustoms accustoming adjacent adjacently nonadjacent adjoin adjoins adjoined adjoining admiral admirals ado adrenalin adrenalins advent advents aerosol aerosols affiliate affiliated affiliates affiliating affiliation affiliations affirm affirms affirmed affirming affirmation aft aggression agile agily agility agilities agitate agitating agitates agitated agitatedly unagitated agitation agitations agitator agitators al alienate alienates alienated alienating alienation align aligns aligned aligning aligner aligners alignment alignments allay allays allayed allaying alleviate alleviates alleviated alleviating alleviation alligator alligators Alps alpine Alsatian Alsatians ambassador ambassadors ambassadorship ambassadorships ambiguity ambiguities amen amens amenity amenities amicable amicably anarchy anarchies anarchist anarchists anarchism anarchic ancestor ancestors ancestral anglo anglos anguish anguishes anguishing anguished animate animates animated animating animatedly animation animations annex annexes annexed annexing annexation annexe anomaly anomalies anomalous anomalously anorak anoraks ant ants apathy apathies apathetic apathetically apiece appertain appertains appertained appertaining applaud applauds applauded applauding applauder applauders applause applauses appraisal appraisals apprehend apprehends apprehended apprehending misapprehend misapprehends misapprehension misapprehensions apt apter aptest aptness aptly inapt inaptness inaptly archway archways Argentina Argentine Argentinian Argentinians armament armaments armchair armchairs arouse aroused unaroused arousal arouses arousing array arrayed arraying arrays arsehole arseholes asshole assholes artillery artilleries astound astounds astounded astounding astronomical astronomically athlete athletes atrocious atrociousness atrociously audible audibly inaudible inaudibly autobiography autobiographies autobiographical autobiographically avail avails averse aversive aversion aversions aversely ay aye ayes babysit babysitting babysat babysits babysitter babysitters backfire backfires backfired backfiring bale bales baleful balefulness balefully ballot balloted balloting ballots bandwagon bandwagons Bangladesh Bangladeshi Bangladeshis bannister bannisters baptist baptists barb barbs barbed barbecue barbecued barbecuing barbecues barber barbers baron barons barony baroness baronesses baronial baseball baseballs basketball basketballs beak beaks beaked beaker beakers bedtime bedtimes beech beeches beige benevolent benevolently benevolence benevolences bewilder bewildered bewildering bewilders bewilderment biography biographies biographic biographical biographically biro biros blackbird blackbirds blackcurrant blackcurrants bland blander blandest blandness blandly bleak bleaker bleakest bleakness bleakly bleep bleeps blip blips blipped blipping blister blisters blistered blistering blistery blitz blitzes blitzed blitzing blossom blossomed blossoming blossoms blossomy blot blotting blotted blots blotter blotters blur blurring blurred blurs boggle boggles boggled boggling bogus bollard bollards bonnet bonnets bookcase bookcases boycott boycotted boycotting boycotts boycotter boycotters breadth breadwinner breadwinners breakthrough breakthroughs breather breathers breeze breezes breezy brickwork brickworks briefcase briefcases brittle brittleness bronze bronzes bronzed brothel brothels brow brows buddy buddies budge budges budged budging budgie budgies buffer buffers bulldoze bulldozes bulldozed bulldozing bulldozer bulldozers bulletin bulletins bumpy bumpier bumpiest bumpiness bureaucracy bureaucracies butler butlers calcium calorie calory calories canary canaries candy candies cannon cannons canoe canoes canoeist canoeists canoeing canoed canon canons canvas canvases cape capes caped capitalism carcass carcasses cartridge cartridges cashier cashiers casing casings catapult catapulted catapulting catapults catchment catchments categorical categorically causeway causeways cavalier cavaliers cavalierly celebrity celebrities celery celeries celsius centenary centenaries bicentenary bicentenaries centigrade centigrades ceramic ceramics ceramicist ceramicists chant chants chanted chanting chanter chanters char charring charred chars uncharred chatter chatters chattered chattering chatterer chatterers checklist checklists checkout checkouts cheesecake cheesecakes cherish cherishes cherished cherishing chess chesses chorus choruses chronicle chronicles chronicler chroniclers chubby chubbier chubbiest chubbiness chuffed chum chums cite cites cited uncited citing citation citations clarinet clarinets clarinetist clarinetists cleanse cleanses cleansed cleansing cleansings cleanser cleansers cloakroom cloakrooms clot clotting clotted clots clump clumps clumped clumping clumpy clumpier clumpiest coarse coarseness coarsely coarsen coarsens coarsened coarsening coarser coarsest cobweb cobwebs cockney cockneys coerce coerces coerced coercing coercer coercers coercion coercive coercively collate collates collated collating collation collide collides collided colliding collier colliers colliery collieries colloquial colloquially colloquialism colossal colossally coma comas comeback comebacks comfy comfier comfiest commentator commentators communal communally compartment compartments compartmental compartmentalize compartmentalizes compartmentalized compartmentalizing compartmentalization compartmentalise compartmentalises compartmentalised compartmentalising complacent complacently compliance compliances conceal concealed unconcealed concealing concealment conceals concede conceded concedes conceding condone condones condoned condoning cone cones confection confectioners confectioner confections confectionery confectioneries confectionary conjunction conjunctions conjure conjures conjured conjuring conjurer conjurers conjuration conquer conquers conquered conquering conquerable unconquerable conqueror conquerors conscript conscripted conscripting conscripts conscription conscriptions considerate considerateness considerately inconsiderate inconsiderateness inconsiderately consortium consortiums consortia consul consular consuls consulship consulships consulate consulates contempt contempts contemptuous contemptuousness contemptuously contemptible contentious contentiousness contentiously contingent contingents contingently convent convents convoy convoys coo coos cooed cooing cookie cookies cooky corned cornflake cornflakes corporal corporals correspondent correspondents couch couches couched couching countdown countdowns countenance countenances countenanced countenancing courier couriers cradle cradled cradling cradles crave craves craved craving creak creaked creaks creaky creaking creed creeds crescent crescents crest crested cresting crests crestless cringe cringes cringed cringing croft crofts crofting crofter crofters crouch crouches crouched crouching crutch crutches crux cruxes cue cued cuing cues cuff cuffs culminate culminates culminated culminating culmination culminations cumulative cumulatively noncumulative currant currants curtail curtails curtailed curtailing curtailment curtailments cutback cutbacks cutlery cutleries dab dabbed dabbing dabs dabber dabbers daresay darn darned darning darns daunt daunts daunted daunting undaunting undaunted dauntingly undauntedly deceased deception deceptions decimal decimals decree decreed decreeing decrees decrepit decrepitly deduce deduces deduced deducing deem deemed deeming deems default defaulted defaulting defaults defaulter defaulters defendant defendants deform deformed deforms deforming deformity deformities deformation deformations defy defies defied defying deliberated deliberates deliberating deliberation deliberations delicious deliciousness deliciously delude deludes deluded deluding delusion delusions delusive delusional denominator denominators departure departures deploy deploys deployed deploying deployment deployments depreciate depreciates depreciated depreciating depreciation depreciations derogatory derogatorily descent descents designate designates designated designating designation designations destiny destinies detract detracts detracted detracting detractor detractors devalue devalues devalued devaluing devaluation deviate deviates deviated deviating deviation deviations undeviating undeviatingly devious deviousness deviously diagnosis diagonal diagonally dignify dignifies dignifying dignified undignified dignity dignities digress digresses digressed digressing digression digressions diligent diligently diligence diligences ding dinged dinging dings dioxide dioxides directive directives disapprove disapproving disapprovingly disapproves disapproved disapproval discontent discontented discontentment disintegrate disintegrates disintegrated disintegrating disintegration dismal dismally disqualify disqualifies disqualified disqualifying disqualification disqualifications dissatisfy dissatisfaction dissatisfactions dissatisfying dissatisfies dissatisfied dissuade dissuades dissuaded dissuading distil distill distills distilling distilled distils distilation distilations distillation distillations distiller distillers distillery distilleries dither dithers dithered dithering ditherer ditherers diversion diversions diversionary diversionaries doctrine doctrines doctrinal dodge dodges dodged dodging dodger dodgers dogma dogmas dolphin dolphins dome domes domed dominance dope doped doping dopes dos downfall downfalls downfallen downturn downturns doze dozes dozed dozing drunken drunkenness drunkenly dumpling dumplings dun duns dungaree dungarees duvet duvets dyke dykes earl earls earldom earldoms ecological ecologically elementary elite elites elitist elitists elitism embankment embankments eminent eminently emit emitting emitted emits emitter emitters emission emissions empower empowers empowered empowering empowerment empowerments emulate emulates emulated emulating emulation emulator emulators emulsion emulsions enact enacts enacted enacting enactment enactments endear endears endeared endearing endearment endearments endearingly enthusiast enthusiasts entity entities equate equates equated equating equilibrium equilibriums equilibria eradicate eradicates eradicated eradicating eradication err errs erred erring errant erupt erupts erupted erupting eruption eruptions escalator escalators et ethical unethical unethically ethically evacuee evacuees everlasting everlastingly excavate excavates excavated excavating excavation excavations excavator excavators excise excises excised excising excision excisions exclaim exclaims exclaimed exclaiming exclamation exclamations exclamatory exile exiled exiles exiling exotic exotically expend expends expended expending expendable expire expires expired expiring expiration exterior exteriors eyesore eyesores facilitate facilitates facilitated facilitating facilitation facilitator facilitators faculty faculties famine famines fanatic fanatics fanatical fanatically fanaticism farewell farewells farmhouse farmhouses farmland farmlands feeble feebleness feebly feminist feminists fend fends fended fending fender fenders festive festiveness festively festivity festivities fete fetes fillet fillets firearm firearms fizz fizzes fizzy fizzier fizziest fizziness flannel flannels flannelette flannelettes flannelling flask flasks flaw flawed flaws flawless flawlessness flawlessly flea fleas flimsy flimsier flimsiest flimsiness flimsily flirt flirts flirted flirting flirtation flora floras fluorescent fluoresence fluorescently flute flutes flutter flutters fluttered fluttering focal focally forefront forefronts forehead foreheads forensic forensically formers fortify fortifies fortified fortifying fortification fortifications franc francs freak freaks freakish freakishness freakishly freaky freakier freakiest freebie freebies freeman freemen frenzy frenzied frenzies freud freudian freudians freudianism frontier frontiers funnel funnels funnelling gadget gadgets gag gags gagged gagging galaxy galaxies garbage garbages gearbox gearboxes genetic geneticist geneticists genetically genetics genius geniuses gig gigs gigantic gigantically giveaway giveaways glimpse glimpsed glimpsing glimpses goggle goggles goldfish goldfishes goodwill goodwills graffiti grammatical ungrammatical ungrammatically grammatically grammaticality gratitude gratitudes greengrocer greengrocers greenhouse greenhouses grievance grievances grieve grieves grieved grieving griever grievers grim grimness grimly grocer grocers groin groins groom groomed grooming grooms growl growls growled growling growler growlers grubby grubbier grubbiest grubbiness grubbily guise guises gunman gunmen hag hags haggish haircut haircuts hairstyle hairstyles hallway hallways hamster hamsters handcuff handcuffs handcuffing handcuffed handshake handshakes hangover hangovers hawk hawks hawkish hawkishness headmistress headmistresses headphone headphones hearth hearths Hebrew Hebrews hectic hectically hedgehog hedgehogs heed heeds heeded heeding heedless heedlessly hefty heftier heftiest heftiness heftily heighten heightens heightened heightening hem hems hemisphere hemispheres hemispheric herring herrings hesitant hesitantly hesitancy hesitancies hexagon hexagons hexagonal hexagonally hierarchy hierarchies hijack hijacks hijacked hijacking hijacker hijackers hind hinds hindmost honeymoon honeymooner honeymooners honeymoons horseman horsemen horsemanship horsemanships hospitality hospitalities housekeeper housekeepers hub hubs hug hugging hugged hugs hugger huggers humane humaneness humanely inhumane inhumanely hurricane hurricanes hydraulic hydraulically iceland icelander icelanders icelandic icon icons idol idols idolize idolizes idolized idolizing idolization idolise idolises idolised idolising illuminate illuminates illuminated illuminating illumination illuminations immaterial immaterialness immaterially immateriality immaterialities imminent imminently immoral immorally immorality immoralities impeccable impeccably imperative imperatives imperatively implicit implicitness implicitly impulse impulses impulsive impulsiveness impulsively inadvertent inadvertently indict indicted indicts indicting indictment indictments indictable indigenous indigestion indigestions induct inducted inducts inducting induction inductions inextinguishable informative informativeness uninformative informatively infrastructure infrastructures infrastructural infringe infringes infringed infringing infringement infringements inhabit inhabits inhabited uninhabited inhabiting inhabitable uninhabitable habitable injustice injustices innings inordinate ordinate ordinates inordinately inquest inquests inquire inquiry inquiring inquiries inquires inquired inquirer inquirers instigate instigates instigated instigating instigation instigations instigator instigators intact intactly intake interface interfacing interfaced interfaces intricate intricately ion ions ionize ionizes ionized ionizing ionizer ionizers ionization ionise ionises ionised ionising ioniser ionisers ionisation Islam Islamic jade jades jaguar jaguars Jamaica Jamaican Jamaicans jasmine jasmines jay jays jealousy jealousies jig jigs journalism journalisms judicial judicially nonjudicial jurisdiction jurisdictions jurisdictional jut jutting jutted juts juvenile juveniles keel keels keeled keeling kennel kennelled kennels kennelling kerb kerbs kink kinks kinky kinkier kinkiest kinkiness kinkily kip kips kipped kipping kneecap kneecaps landlady landladies Lanka Lankan Lankans lapped lapping lash lashes lashed lashing lashings laundry laundries laurel laurels lavatory lavatories leaded unleaded leaden leadenly legend legends legendary legendarily legible legibly legibility illegible illegibility lego legos lenient leniently lenience leniency lesbian lesbians lesbianism lettuce lettuces leukaemia leukemia levy levies levied levying liaison liaisons lieutenant lieutenants lt ligament ligaments lightning lightnings litigate litigated litigates litigating litigator litigators litigation litigations livelihood livelihoods livestock livestocks lolly lollies loot loots looted looting looter looters lottery lotteries lotus lotuses lout louts loutish loutishness loutishly lumber lumbers lumbered lumbering lumberer lumberers lust lusts lusty lustier lustiest lustiness lustily lustful lustfully madame magician magicians magpie magpies mainland mainlands mainstream malaria malarias malign maligns maligned maligning malignant malignantly nonmalignant malignancy malignancies mama mamas mandatory mangle mangles mangled mangling manpower manpowers manure manured manuring manures manuscript manuscripts mare mares marine maroon marooned maroons marooning marx marxism marxist marxists masculine masculinity masculinities mast masts foremast foremasts mauve mauves meditate meditates meditating meditated meditator meditators meditation meditations meditative meditatively melody melodies melodic melodically melodious melodiously memorable memorably memorableness memorability meningitis Methodist Methodists midst midway mighty mightily militant militants militantly nonmilitant militancy militancies mincemeat mincemeats minster minsters misguided misguidedly moderation moderations molecule molecules molecular momentum momentums monarch monarchs monarchy monarchies monarchist monarchists monarchism monarchic monarchical monastery monasteries monotony monotonies monotonous monotonously monotonousness monument monuments monumental monumentally mortar mortars mot mots moth moths mourn mourns mourned mourning mourner mourners mugged mugging mugger muggers mutant mutants mystic mystical mystically mystics mysticism naff naffer naffest nag nagging nagged nags nagger naggers naval navigate navigated navigating navigates navigation navigations navigational navigator navigators circumnavigate circumnavigates circumnavigated circumnavigating circumnavigation nazi nazis nazism necklace necklaces newsagent newsagents Nigeria Nigerian Nigerians nigh nightclub nightclubs nipple nipples nitrate nitrates nominal nominally notch notches notched notching notification notifications noun nouns novelty novelties nucleus nucleuses nuclei nude nudes nudism nudist nudists nudity nudities nutrition nutritions nutritional nutritionally nutritionist nutritionists nutshell nutshells nutty nuttier nuttiest nuttiness oar oars oath oaths obscene obscenely obscenity obscenities ointment ointments omen omens onerous onerousness onerously onset onsets onus onuses optic optics optical optically optician opticians optimism optimisms oracle oracles ordain ordains ordained ordaining ordainment ordainments ordination ordinations organist organists orgasm orgasms orgasmic orthopaedic outcry outcries outdated outweigh outweighs outweighed outweighing oval ovals overdo overdid overdoes overdoing overdone overdraft overdrafts overhear overheard overhears overhearing overpower overpowers overpowered overpowering oversee overseeing oversaw overseen oversees overseer overseers overweight ozone ozones paintwork paintworks pallet pallets pantry pantries parachute parachutes parachutist parachutists paraffin paraffins parlour parlours parsnip parsnips partition partitioned partitioning partitions passageway passageways paste pasted pasting pastes pasture pastures patent patents patenting patented patently pathway pathways pavilion pavilions peacock peacocks peasant peasants pee peeing pees peed penguin penguins pep peps pepper peppered peppers peppery personalise personalising personalises personalisation personalised personalized personalize personalizing personalizes personalization impersonalise pertain pertains pertained pertaining pertinent pertinently perverse perverseness perversely perversity perversities petrify petrifies petrifying petrified petrification petticoat petticoats phantom phantoms pheasant pheasants Philippine Philippines Filipino Filipinos phraseology phraseologies pine pines piney pineapple pineapples ping pings pip pips pipette pipettes pistol pistols piston pistons pitfall pitfalls pizza pizzas ploy ploys plump plumped plumping plumper plumpest plumpness plumply plumps plunge plunged plunges plunging plunger plungers ply plied plies plying pod pods polythene pompous pompousness pompously pomposity pope popes porridge porridges posterity posterities posture postures postural postured posturing posturings poultry poultries pounce pounces pounced pouncing pow practitioner practitioners precinct precincts predecessor predecessors predicament predicaments premature prematurely premier premiers premiership premierships premiere premiered premiering premieres presidency presidencies prestige prestiges prestigious prevail prevailed prevailing prevails prevalent prevalence prevalences prix procession processions processional proclaim proclaimed proclaims proclaiming proclamation proclamations prohibit prohibits prohibited prohibiting prohibitory prohibition prohibitions prohibitionist prohibitionists prohibitive prohibitively prom proms prong prongs pronunciation pronunciations prophecy prophecies prophet prophets prophetess prophetesses proprietor proprietors proprietorship proprietorships proprietary proprietorial proprietorially protein proteins protestant protestants protestantism prototype prototypes proverb proverbs proverbial proverbially prudent prudently imprudent imprudently psychiatric psychotic psychotics psychotically psycho psychos puppet puppets puppeteer puppeteers purify purifies purified purifying purification purifications pushchair pushchairs pyjamas pyjama pajama pajamas Quaker Quakers quantify quantifies quantifying quantified quantification quantifiable quantum quarrel quarreled quarrels quarreling quarrelsome quarrelled quarrelling quart quarts radical radically radicals radicalism radicalisms radius radiuses ragged raggeder raggedest raggedness raggedly rapport rapports raspberry raspberries ratify ratifies ratified ratifying ratification ratifications rational rationalisation rationalisations rationalise rationalised rationalises rationalising rationalism rationality rationalization rationalizations rationalize rationalized rationalizes rationally irrational irrationally irrationality irrationalities rationalist rationalists reaffirm reaffirms reaffirmed reaffirming reaffirmation realm realms recap recapping recapped recaps recipient recipients recur recurring recurred recurs recurrent recurrence recurrences redesign redesigns redesigned redesigning referendum referendums referenda reflex reflexes reflexive rein reins reiterate reiterates reiterated reiterating reiteration reiterations rejoice rejoices rejoiced rejoicing rem rems remit remits remittance remittances remunerate remunerated remunerates remunerating remunerative remuneration remunerations repetitive repetitiveness repetitively rephrase rephrases rephrased rephrasing reputable reputably reservoir reservoirs resurrect resurrected resurrects resurrecting resurrection resurrections retard retarded retards retarding retardation retention retentive retract retracts retracted retracting retractable retraction reunion reunions revamp revamps revamped revamping revere reveres revered revering reverence reverences reverent reverently reverential reverentially revisit revisits revisited revisiting revs revving revved rhubarb rhubarbs righteous righteousness unrighteous unrighteousness righteously rigour rigours rigors rigor rigorous rigorousness rigorously rim rimmed rims rimless rink rinks roam roams roamed roaming roamer roamers roar roars roared roaring roarer roarers robe robes robot robots robotize robotizes robotized robotizing robotise robotises robotised robotising robotic robust robuster robustest robustness robustly romania romanian roost roosts roosted roosting rooster roosters rotary rowdy rowdier rowdiest rowdiness rowdily rowdyism rum rums rye ryes sac sacs sacrament sacraments sacramental safeguard safeguards safeguarded safeguarding sag sagging sagged sags saggy sage sages sagely samaritan samaritans Santa Santas sap saps sapless sapped sapping satin satins satiny saucer saucers savoury savouries savourier savouriest unsavoury savory savories unsavory sawdust sawdusts scab scabs scabby scabbed scaffold scaffolds scaffolded scaffolding scaffoldings scaffolder scaffolders scent scented unscented scents scentless scenting sceptic sceptics sceptical scepticism sceptically skeptical skeptically scepticisms skepticism skepticisms schizophrenic schizophrenia schizophrenics scholar scholarly scholars schoolchild schoolchildren scrabble scrabbles scrabbled scrabbling scrabbler scrabblers scribe scribes scribal scrupulous scrupulousness unscrupulous unscrupulousness unscrupulously scrupulously scrutiny scrutinize scrutinized scrutinizes scrutinizing segment segmented segmenting segments segmentary segmentation segmental segmentatons senator senators shack shacks shamble shambles shambled shambling shark sharks sheriff sheriffs shopkeeper shopkeepers shrine shrines enshrine enshrines enshrined enshrining enshrinement enshrinements shroud shrouds shrouded shrouding shunt shunts shunted shunting shunter shunters shutter shuttered shutters sideboard sideboards sieve sieved sieving sieves sill sills simplistic simplistically singular singularly singulars singularity singularities situ slang slangs slangy slangier slangiest slick slicker slickest slickness slickly slit slits slitting slogan slogans sludge sludges smother smothers smothered smothering smuggle smuggles smuggled smuggling smuggler smugglers snag snags snail snails snob snobs snobbish snobbishness snobbery snobberies snore snores snored snoring snorer snorers snowball snowballs snowdrop snowdrops soccer soccers soggy soggier soggiest sogginess soggily soles solvent solvents soothe soothes soothed soothing soothingly soother soothers sorrow sorrowing sorrows sorrowful sorrowfulness sorrowfully spa spas spar spars sparred sparring sparrings sparse sparseness sparsely sparsity sparsities specimen specimens spectator spectators sperm sperms spew spews spewed spewing spewer spewers spokesperson spokespersons spotlight spotlights sprawl sprawls sprawled sprawling sprint sprinted sprinting sprints sprinter sprinters spud spuds squeak squeaks squeaked squeaking squeaker squeakers squeaky squeakiest squeakier squirrel squirrels squirreled squirreling squirt squirts squirted squirting squirter squirters sri stadium stadiums stadia stale staleness stalk stalks stalked stalking stalkings stalker stalkers stamina staminas stance stances standpoint standpoints startle startles startled startling startlingly statue statues statuary statuaries statuesque statuette statuettes stead steamer steamers steamship steamships ss sterilise sterilises sterilised sterilising steriliser sterilisers sterilisation sterilize sterilizes sterilized sterilizing sterilizer sterilizers sterilization stern sterner sternest sternness sternly steroid steroids steroidal stimulus stimuli stint stints straddle straddles straddled straddling straddler straddlers strangle strangles strangled strangling strangler stranglers strangulation strangulations strenuous strenuousness strenuously stretcher stretchers stubborn stubborner stubbornest stubbornness stubbornly stunt stunts subjective subjectively subjectivity subjectivities subordinate subordinates subordinating subordinated insubordinate subordination insubordination subsist subsists subsisted subsisting subsistence subsistences substantiate substantiates substantiated substantiating substantiation substantiations unsubstantiated substantive substantively succession successions successor successors suede suedes suet suets suety sulk sulks sulked sulking sulky sulkiness sulkily summit summits sunglasses sunglass sup supping supped sups superficial superficially superficiality superficialities superman supermen supersede supersedes superseded superseding suppress suppressed suppresses suppressing suppression suppressor suppressors suss susses sussed sussing sway sways swayed swaying sweater sweaters sweatshirt sweatshirts sweetheart sweethearts swirl swirls swirled swirling swoop swoops swooped swooping swop swopping swopped swops syllable syllables syllabic syll sylls symphony symphonies symphonic syrup syrups syrupy tabloid tabloids takeover takeovers tally tallied tallies tallying tame tamed tames tamer tamers taming tameness tamely untamed tamper tampers tampered tampering tamperer tamperers tar tarred tarring tars tattoo tatooed tatooing tattoos tattooist tattooists tatooe tattooe tattooed tattooer tattooers technicality technicalities technician technicians telecommunication telecommunications telescope telescopes telescoped telescoping telescopic teller tellers temperament temperaments temperamental temperamentally terrier terriers thaw thaws thawed thawing theological theologically therapeutic therapeutically thesis theses antithesis antitheses threshold thresholds thrive thrives thrived thriving throttle throttled throttling throttles thrush thrushes tickle tickles tickled tickling tickler ticklers tong tongs toothbrush toothbrushes torment torments tormented tormenting tormenter tormenters tormentor tormentors tortoise tortoises torture tortures tortured torturing torturer torturers touchy touchier touchiest touchiness touchily tournament tournaments tout touts touted touting toxic nontoxic toxicity toxicities trample tramples trampled trampling trampler tramplers trans transparent transparently nontransparent treaty treaties trendy trendier trendiest trendiness trendily tribe tribes tribal tribalism troll trolls trough troughs trout trouts tulip tulips turbo turbos turmoil turmoils twig twigs twinkle twinkles twinkled twinkling twit twits Ukraine Ukrainian Ukrainians ultra umpire umpired umpiring umpires undercut undercutting undercuts underestimate underestimated underestimates underestimating underpin underpinning underpinned underpins undertake undertaken undertakes undertaking undertakings undertook undertaker undertakers unison unisons unravel unravels unraveled unraveling unravelled unravelling unto upbringing upbringings upheaval upheavals uphill uphold upheld upholds upholding upholder upholders uplift uplifting uplifted uplifts uproot uproots uprooted uprooting upturn upturns upturned urine urines urinal urinary utmost vacation vacationed vacationing vacations vacationer vacationers vacationist vacationists vaccinate vaccinated vaccinates vaccinating vaccination vaccinations vain vainer vainest vainly vanish vanished vanishes vanishing veer veers veered veering veil veiled veils veiling unveil unveils unveiled unveiling veteran veterans vex vexes vexed vexing vexation vexatious vibrate vibrated vibrates vibrating vibrator vibrators vibration vibrations vibratory viewpoint viewpoints vigil vigils vigilant vigilance vigilances viking vikings villain villains villainy villainous vine vines vodka vodkas volcano volcanoes volcanic volcanism vow vows vowed vowing wank wanks wanked wanking wanker wankers ware wares warfare warfares warren warrens warrior warriors wart warts warty wartier wartiest wasp wasps waspish waspishness waspishly waterproof waterway waterways watt watts waver wavers wavered wavering unwavering waverer waverers wayside waysides weary wearied wearies wearier weariest weariness wearily whinge whinges whinged whinging whinger whingers whisker whiskered whiskers whiskery whit whits whoosh whooshed whooshing whooshes wick wicks wilderness wildernesses winkle winkles wireless wirelesses wishful wishfully wizard wizards wizardry wizardries womb wombs workforce workforces workplace workplaces worktop worktops worsen worsens worsened worsening wreath wreathed wreathing wreaths wreathe wreathes wriggle wriggles wriggled wriggling wriggler wrigglers wring wrung wrings wringing wringer wringers wrought yankee yankees yeast yeasts yeasty yeastier yeastiest yuk yukky yukkie yum yummy zebra zebras zombie zombies ENDLIST