User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC8LIST

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This is the eighth of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE abbot abbots abduct abducted abducts abducting abduction abductions abductor abductors abhor abhorring abhorred abhors abhorrence abhorrences abhorrent abreast accentuate accentuates accentuated accentuating accentuation accolade accolades accordion accordions accordionist accordionists acetate acetates achilles acoustic acoustics acoustically acronym acronyms acrylic acumen acumens adder adders adrenaline adrenalines aerodrome aerodromes afflict afflicts afflicted afflicting affliction afore aftershave aftershaves aggressor aggressors aide aides airfield airfields airforce airforces akin alibi alibis alloy alloys allude alludes alluded alluding altar altars altitude altitudes altruistic altruistically amnesty amnesties anaesthetist anaesthetists ancillary angina anginas angola angolan angolans answerphone answerphones antagonise antagonises antagonised antagonising antagonize antagonizes antagonized antagonizing anthem anthems antiseptic antiseptically apartheid apartheids ape apes apostle apostles apostleship apostleships apostolic apostrophe apostrophes apportion apportions apportioned apportioning apportionment apportionments apprehension apprehensions arboretum arboretums archaeological archaeologically arctic armistice armistices armoury armouries armory armories aromatherapy aromatherapies aromatherapist aromatherapists asbestos asbestoses assimilate assimilates assimilated assimilating assimilation attentive attentiveness attentively inattentive inattentiveness inattentively attorney attorneys aubergine aubergines aught augment augments augmented augmenting augmenter augmenters augmentation aura auras authentic unauthentic authenticity authenticities inauthentic authentically authenticate authenticated authenticates authenticating authentication authenticatons authoritarian authoritarianism avid avidly avidity avidities backdate backdates backdated backdating backdrop backdrops backtrack backtracks backtracked backtracking bailiff bailiffs ballistic baltic bamboo bamboos banish banishes banished banishing banishment banishments bankruptcy bankruptcies barman barmen barmy barmier barmiest barren barrener barrenest barrenness barter barters bartered bartering barterer barterers bastion bastions baton batons bawl bawls bawled bawling beacon beacons beck becks belch belches belched belching belcher belchers bellow bellows bellowed bellowing berate berates berated berating beret berets bestow bestows bestowed bestowing bestowal bestowals billiard billiards binary biopsy biopsies birdie birdies birdy blackberry blackberries blackout blackouts blockade blockades bloodstream bloodstreams bluebell bluebells boer boers boffin boffins boisterous boisterousness boisterously boob boobs boogie boogies borderline borderlines braille brailles brainwash brainwashes brainwashed brainwashing brat brats bray brays brayed braying breadcrumb breadcrumbs breech breeches brevity brevities bridle bridles brim brimming brims brimless brimful brink brinks broadsheet broadsheets brood brooded broods brooding broodingly broody broodier broodiest broodiness broodily brunt brunts Bulgaria Bulgarian Bulgarians bulimia bulimias bulldog bulldogs burgundy Burma Burmese byelaw byelaws byte bytes cabaret cabarets calamity calamities calamitous cameraman cameramen camouflage camouflaged camouflaging camouflages candlestick candlesticks canister canisters cannabis cannabises canny cannier canniest canniness cannily caption captioned captioning captions caramel caramels caramelize caramelizes caramelized caramelizing caramelise caramelises caramelised caramelising carat carats cartilage cartilages caste castes caster casters castor castors castrate castrates castrated castrating castration castrations caterpillar caterpillars caveman cavemen cavity cavities cc cedar cedars cello cellos cessation cessations chaff chaffs chamberlain chamberlains chaplain chaplains chaplaincy chariot chariots charioted charioting charioteer charioteers chateau chateaus chateaux cheetah cheetahs childbirth childbirths Chile Chilean Chileans chink chinks chit chits cholesterol cholesterols chug chugging chugged chugs churchyard churchyards chute chutes clam clams clammed clamming clan clans claret clarets clench clenches clenched unclenched clenching clergy clergies clipboard clipboards clitoris clitorises clone cloned cloning clones cloner cloners clover clovers clutter clutters cluttered cluttering uncluttered coastline coastlines cobra cobras cockle cockles collage collages collie collies commodore commodores commotion commotions compass compasses competence competences complexion complexions complexional concoct concocts concocted concocting concoction concoctions concurrent concurrently confederate confederates confederation confederations configure configured configuring configures configuration configurations confiscate confiscates confiscated confiscating confiscatory confiscation confiscations conglomerate conglomerates conglomerations conglomeration conifer conifers coniferous conker conkers connote connotes connoted connoting connotation connotations conservatism conservatisms continuum continuums continua contra contras contraction contractions contravene contravenes contravened contravening contravention convalesce convalesces convalesced convalescing convalescence convalescences convalescent convalescents conversely convoluted convolution convolutions copyright copyrighted copyrights coral corals cornerstone cornerstones coronary cosmopolitan cosmopolitanism counteract counteracts counteracted counteracting counterproductive courgette courgettes coursework coy coyly crackle crackles crackled crackling crass crasser crassest crassness crassly craven cravenness cravenly crinkly crinklier crinkliest crochet crochets crotchet crotchets crusade crusading crusaded crusades crusader crusaders Cuba Cuban Cubans cuckoo cuckoos culprit culprits cumbersome cumbersomeness curd curds custodian custodians custodianship custodianships debar debarring debarred debars debarment debarments deceit deceits deceitful deceitfulness deceitfully decentralize decentralized decentralizing decentralizes decentralization decentralizations decentralise decentralised decentralising decentralises decentralisation decentralisations decimate decimates decimated decimating decimation decimations decor decors decry decries decried decrying deflate deflates deflated deflating deflation deflationary deflect deflects deflected deflecting deflection deflections defrost defrosts defrosted defrosting defroster defrosters dell dells delve delves delved delving dementia dementias demolition demolitions denigrate denigrates denigrated denigrating denigration denigrations denomination denominations denominational nondenominational denote denotes denoted denoting denotation denotations denounce denounces denounced denouncing denouncement denouncements dependence dependences interdependence interdependences depict depicts depicted depicting depiction depictions deplete depletes depleted depleting depletion deplore deplores deplored deploring deplorable deplorably depose deposes deposed deposing deposition depositions deride derides derided deriding derision derisions derisive derisively derisory destabilize destabilizes destabilized destabilizing destabilization destabilise destabilises destabilised destabilising destabilisation destine destines destined destining destitute destitution detain detains detained detaining detainment detainments detainee detainees detergent detergents devolution devolutions devour devours devoured devouring dickhead dickheads dinghy dinghies diocese dioceses archdiocese archdioceses diphtheria diphtherias diplomacy diplomacies disarm disarms disarmed disarming disarmament disarmingly disband disbands disbanded disbanding disbandment disbandments discern discerns discerned discerning discernment discernments discourse discourses discus discuses disobedient disobedience disobediences disobey disobeyed disobeying disparity disparities dispossess dispossesses dispossessed dispossessing dispossession disproportion disproportionate disproportionately disruptive disruptively dissect dissects dissected dissecting dissection dissections divisive divisiveness divisively DJ DJs dockyard dockyards doddle doddles doodle doodles doodled doodling doodler doodlers dormant dosh dotty dottier dottiest dowdy dowdier dowdiest dowdiness dowdily dozy dozier doziest doziness dozily dram drams draughtsman draughtsmen draughtsmanship dreary drearier dreariest dreariness drearily dresser dressers droop droops drooped drooping droopy drowsily duel duelled duels duelist duelists duelling dupe dupes duped duping duper dupers dynamics dynamite dynamites eclipse eclipsed eclipses eclipsing ecology ecologies ecologist ecologists eel eels ejaculate ejaculated ejaculates ejaculating ejaculation ejaculations electrify electrifies electrified electrifying electrification elicit elicits elicited eliciting elicitation emanate emanates emanated emanating emanation emanations embargo embargoes empathy empathies empathize empathizes empathized empathizing empathise empathises empathised empathising emperor emperors encapsulate encapsulates encapsulated encapsulating engrave engraves engraved engraving engravings engraver engravers envious enviousness enviously epilepsy epilepsies equitable equitably inequitable inequitably equivocal equivocalness unequivocal unequivocally equivocally erotic eroticism erotically erratic erratically esquire esquires esq euphoria euphorias evergreen exasperate exasperated exasperates exasperating exasperation exasperations executor executors exemplify exemplifies exemplified exemplifying exemplification exhaustion exhaustions exhilarate exhilarated exhilarates exhilaration exhilarating exhort exhorts exhorted exhorting exhortation exhortations extinct extinction extinctions extradite extradited extraditing extradites extradition extraditions exult exults exulted exulting exultation exultant exultantly exultations eyeball eyeballs fallacy fallacies fallacious fallaciously fallout fallouts farmyard farmyards farthing farthings fascism fascisms fatigue fatigued fatiguing fatigues feat feats feminism feminisms fetter fettered unfettered fettering fetters fiddly fiddlier fiddliest fidget fidgets fidgeted fidgeting fiend fiends fiendish fiendishly archfiend archfiends figurative figuratively fiji fijian fijians filofax filofaxes fingerprint fingerprints finite finitely firewood firewoods flippant flippantly flippancy flippancies flurry flurries foliage foliages fondle fondles fondled fondling fondler fondlers forage forages foraged foraging forager foragers forerunner forerunners foresight foresights formica formidable formidably fraternity fraternities freelance freelances fret fretting fretted frets fretful fritter fritters frittered frittering fuchsia fuchsias fumble fumbles fumbled fumbling fumbler fumblers fundraising furnace furnaces furore furores futile futility futilities fuzz fuzzes fuzzy fuzzier fuzziest fuzziness fuzzily Gaelic galore galvanize galvanizes galvanized galvanizing galvanization galvanise galvanises galvanised galvanising galvanisation gangster gangsters garish garishness garishly garland garlanded garlanding garlands garlic garlics geezer geezers gentry gentries geology geologies geologist geologists geriatric gi gis gills gingerbread gingerbreads girder girders glucose glucoses godmother godmothers gorilla gorillas gothic GP GPs grandad grandads grander grandest grandly grandness grandiose grandiosely grandiosity grandiosities grandstand grandstands grapefruit grapefruits grapevine grapevines grapple grapples grappled grappling gratify gratifies gratified gratifying gratifyingly gratification gratifications gregarious gregariousness gregariously gremlin gremlins grenade grenades grimace grimaces grimaced grimacing guesswork guessworks guillotine guillotines guillotined guillotining gullible gullibility gully gullies gulley gulleys gunfire gunfires gust gusts gusty gustier gustiest gustily gynaecology gynaecologies gynaecologist gynaecologists gynaecological hacksaw hacksaws haddock haddocks haggard haggardness haggardly haggis haggises hairbrush hairbrushes hairdressing hairdressings hallowed unhallowed handmade harem harems harmonic harmonics harmonically harrier harriers hash hashes headway headways hectare hectares hedgerow hedgerows herd herded herder herders herding herds hereafter hereditary nonhereditary heroin hierarchical hierarchically highness highnesses highwayman highwaymen himalaya himalayas himalayan hindu hindus hinduism hippo hippos hippopotamus hitherto hoax hoaxed hoaxing hoaxes hoaxer hoaxers hob hobs holler hollers hollered hollering hopper hoppers horoscope horoscopes horseback horsebacks horticulture horticultural horticulturalist horticulturalists hosepipe hosepipes hotelier hoteliers huddle huddles huddled huddling humid humidity humidities humider humidest humidly humility humilities hydrogen hydrogens hydrogenous hygienic unhygienic unhygenically hygienically hype hypes hypermarket hypermarkets hyphen hyphens hypnotise hypnotises hypnotised hypnotising hypnotize hypnotizes hypnotized hypnotizing hypnotist hypnotists hypnotism hysterectomy hysterectomies idealistic idealistically ideology ideologies ideologist ideologists idiom idioms illicit illicitness illicitly immerse immerses immersed immersing immersion impede impedes impeded impeding unimpeded impersonal impersonally impersonality impersonalities impoverish impoverishes impoverishing impoverished impoverishment inbreed inbreeding inbreeds inbred inception inceptions incinerate incinerates incinerated incinerating incinerator incinerators incineration incinerations incompetence incompetences incontinent incontinence incontinences continence increment increments incremental incrementally incumbent incumbents indemnity indemnities indie indies indigo Indonesia Indonesian Indonesians inertia inertias infest infests infested infesting infestation infinity infinities infirm infirmity infirmities ingenuity ingenuities inhabitant inhabitants iniquity iniquities innate innateness innately inscribe inscribes inscribed inscribing inscriber inscribers inscription inscriptions inseminate inseminates inseminating inseminated insemination inseminations inset insets insolvent insolvents insolvency insolvencies solvency solvencies instil instilling instilled instils intellect intellects intermittent intermittently intone intones intoned intoning intoner intoners intonation intonations intrusion intrusions involuntary involuntariness involuntarily italic italics italicize italicizes italicized italicizing italicization italicise italicises italicised italicising italicisation jeer jeers jeered jeering jostle jostles jostled jostling joystick joysticks keyhole keyholes kilogram kilograms kg kgs kilowatt kilowatts kw kindergarten kindergartens kingfisher kingfishers kipper kippers labrador labradors lacquer lacquers laden unladen landfill landfills landmark landmarks lantern lanterns lasagne lasagnes latent latency latencies lateral laterally latitude latitudes lattice lattices lax laxer laxest laxness laxly laxity laxities leash leashed leashing leashes unleashed unleashing unleashes leftover leftovers leotard leotards lesion lesions lest lethargy lethargies lethargic lethargically libel libels libelous libelling libellings lifeline lifelines liken likens likened likening lilac lilacs linesman linesmen ling lings linger lingers lingered lingering lingerer lingerers linseed linseeds lizard lizards lobster lobsters locksmith locksmiths locust locusts lollipop lollipops lop lops lopped lopping lopper loppers lure lures lured luring mackerel mackerels macro maim maims maimed maiming maisonette maisonettes maize maizes Malaysia Malayan Malay Malays Malaysian Malaysians mallard mallards malta maltese mandate mandates mania manias mannerism mannerisms mantelpiece mantelpieces mantel marijuana marijuanas maritime marketplace marketplaces marquee marquees marquis marquises marquisette marquisettes marrow marrows mascot mascots masquerade masquerades masqueraded masquerading masquerader masqueraders massacre massacred massacring massacres matrix matrixes maxim maxims maze mazes meagre meager meagerest meagerer meagreness meagerness measles mechanise mechanised mechanises mechanising mechanisation mechanisations mechanize mechanized mechanizes mechanizing mechanization mechanizations mechanistic mechanistically mediate mediates mediated mediating mediation mediations mediator mediators memoir memoirs memorandum memorandums mercenary mercenaries meringue meringues mermaid mermaids meticulous meticulousness meticulously midfield migraine migraines milestone milestones mimic mimics mimicked mimicking mimicker mimickers mimick mimicry minefield minefields mineworker mineworkers minuscule misbehave misbehaves misbehaved misbehaving misbehavior misbehaviors misbehaviour misbehaviours miscellaneous miscellaneously misconception misconceptions misplace misplaces misplaced misplacing misplacement misplacements mistrust mistrusting mistrusted mistrusts mistrustful mistrustfully mite mites molest molests molested molesting molester molesters molestation momentous momentousness momentously moot moots mooted mooting moron morons moronic moronically motif motifs mound mounded mounds mousse mousses muesli mueslis muffin muffins mule mules multinational multinationals mumble mumbles mumbled mumbling mumbler mumblers munch munches munched munching mural murals muralist muralists muse muses mused musing muzzle muzzled muzzling muzzles mystify mystifies mystified mystifying mystification mythic mythical mythically Namibia Namibian Namibians nativity nativities necessitate necessitates necessitated necessitating necessitation negate negates negated negating negation nepal nepalese nepali nepalis nightdress nightdresses noodle noodles nook nooks northbound nostalgic nostalgically nostril nostrils noxious nuance nuances nugget nuggets null nullify nullified nullifying nullifies nullity nullities numeral numerals obese obesity obesities obeseness oblivious obliviousness obliviously obsolete obstetrics obstetric obstetrician obstetricians obtrusive obtrusiveness unobtrusive unobtrusiveness unobtrusively obtrusively offshore ohm ohms ombudsman ombudsmen omission omissions online optimum organism organisms oriental orientalist orientalists oscillate oscillates oscillated oscillating oscillatory oscillation oscillations oscillator oscillators ostrich ostriches outhouse outhouses outpatient outpatients ovation ovations overdraw overdraws overdrawing overdrawn overdue overrun overrunning overran overruns oversight oversights overture overtures oxide oxides paged paging pager pagers pagings pail pails pailful paintbrush paintbrushes palestine palestinian palestinians palette palettes pall palled palling palls palsy palsies panacea panaceas pander panders pandered pandering panderer panderers panorama panoramas panoramic pant panted panting parable parables paramilitary paramilitaries paraphrase paraphrases paraphrased paraphrasing parenthood parenthoods parochial parochially parochialism partiality impartial impartiality partialities impartially impartialities partisan partisans bipartisan nonpartisan partisanship bipartisanship password passwords pastel pastels pastoral pastoralist pastoralists pate pates patriarch patriarchs patriarchy patriarchal patriot patriots patriotism patriotisms patriotic unpatriotic patriotically pawn pawns PC PCs pecuniary peek peeks peeked peeking pelvis pelvises pendant pendants perceptive perceptiveness perennial perennially perforate perforates perforating perforated perforation perforations perimeter perimeters peroxide peroxides persevere perseveres persevered persevering perseverance perseverances perspire perspired perspiring perspires perspiration perspirations peru peruvian peruvians pervert perverts perverted perverting perversion perversions petite petroleum petroleums pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals pharmacy pharmacies philharmonic phlegm phlegms phoenix phoenixes phonetic phonetics phonetically phosphate phosphates physician physicians physiological physiologically physique physiques pilgrim pilgrims pilgrimage pious piousness piously impious impiousness impiously pittance pittances pivot pivots pivoted pivoting pivotal placard placards plasticine plasticines playhouse playhouses playroom playrooms plimsoll plimsolls plod plodding plodded plods plodder plodders plop plopping plopped plops polar polarity polarities bipolar bipolarity bipolarities polarize polarizes polarized polarizing polarization polarise polarises polarised polarising polarisation polio poliomylitis ponder ponders pondered pondering ponderer ponderers poplar poplars poppy poppies pouch pouches pragmatic pragmatically prattle prattles prattled prattling prattler prattlers precarious precariousness precariously preoccupy preoccupies preoccupied preoccupying preside presides presided presiding presuppose presupposed presupposing presupposes presupposition presuppositions prim primmer primmest primness primly primrose primroses prod prodding prodded prods promenade promenaded promenading promenades prominence prominences propagate propagates propagated propagating propagation propensity propensities propriety proprieties impropriety improprieties providence providences providential provident providently improvident improvidently prowl prowls prowled prowling prowler prowlers prudence prudences pry pries pried prying pryer pryers psalm psalms psalmist psalmists pubic pulley pulleys pullover pullovers pulp pulps pulpy pulpier pulpiest pulpiness pun puns punitive punitively punk punks purge purges purged purging purger purgers purgatory pyramid pyramids pyramidal quack quacks quake quaked quaking quakes quango quangos quarantine quarantined quarantining quarantines quasar quasars quiche quiches quicken quickens quickened quickening rabble rabbles racquet racquets radiotherapy radiotherapies radiotherapist radiotherapists raft rafting rafted rafts rainforest rainforests ramification ramifications rampage rampaged rampaging rampages rampant rampantly ranch ranches rancher ranchers randy randier randiest randiness rascal rascals rascally rascality rationale rationales ravage ravages ravaged ravaging ravager ravagers raven ravens readjust readjusts readjusted readjusting readjustment readjustments reassert reasserts reasserted reasserting reassertion reconvene reconvenes reconvened reconvening recount recounts recounted recounting recrimination recriminations redemption redemptions redeploy redeploys redeployed redeploying redeployment redeployments reek reeks reeked reeking refit refitting refitted refits refute refutes refuted refuting refuter refuters refutation regal regally registrar registrars registry registries regurgitate regurgitates regurgitated regurgitating regurgitation rehouse rehouses rehoused rehousing reissue reissues reissued reissuing relegate relegates relegated relegating relegation relegations relentless relentlessness relentlessly relish relishes relished relishing renege reneges reneged reneging reneger renegers renounce renounces renounced renouncing renouncement renouncements renunciation renunciations repaint repaints repainted repainting replica replicas repository repositories repress repressed represses repressing repression repressions repressive repressiveness repressively reprieve reprieves reprieval reprimand reprimands reprimanded reprimanding reproach reproaches reproachful reproachfully requisite requisites prerequisite prerequisites requisition requisitions requisitioned requisitioning resale resales resonance resonances resound resounds resounded resounding resoundingly restate restating restates restated restatement resurface resurfaces resurfaced resurfacing retake retaken retakes retaking retook retrain retrains retrained retraining revue revues rewire rewires rewired rewiring rework reworks reworked reworking rheumatism rheumatisms rife rift rifts ripper rippers rivalry rivalries rosette rosettes rostrum rostrums rouge rouges rucksack rucksacks ruff ruffs rupture ruptures ruptured rupturing rut ruts sadist sadists sadistic sadistically safari safaris saliva salivas salivary salon salons saloon saloons sanctify sanctifies sanctified sanctifying sanctification sanctuary sanctuaries scallop scallops scalloping scalloped Scandinavia Scandinavian Scandinavians scapegoat scapegoats schoolgirl schoolgirls schoolteacher schoolteachers scrapbook scrapbooks scrappy scrappier scrappiest screech screeches screeched screeching scrum scrummed scrumming scrums seclude secluded secludes secluding seclusion seclusions seclusive sedate sedateness sedately sedated sedates sedating sedation sedative sedatives seduce seduces seduced seducing seducer seducers seduction seductions semantic semantics semanticist semanticists semantically semen semens sensor sensors sensory sentencing sentencings sentenced septic sequel sequels setback setbacks shabby shabbier shabbiest shabbiness shabbily shackle shackles shackled shackling unshackle unshackles unshackled unshackling sham shams shammed shamming shandy shandies sheepskin sheepskins sheeting sheetings shin shins shipyard shipyards shoddy shoddier shoddiest shoddiness shoddily shoplift shoplifts shoplifted shoplifting shopliftings shoplifter shoplifters sic sickle sickles sightsee sightseers sightseer sightseeing sightseeings skid skidding skidded skids skirted skirting slander slandered slandering slanders slanderous sledge sledging sledged sledges sledgehammer sledgehammers sleet sleets sleety sleetier sleetiest slime slimes slimy slurry slurries smallholding smallholdings smock smocks smoulder smoulders smouldered smouldering smug smugness smugly snowman snowmen snuggle snuggles snuggled snuggling solar somersault somersaulted somersaulting somersaults soundly unsound unsounder unsoundest unsoundness unsoundly sounder soundest soundness souvenir souvenirs sovereignty sovereignties spaceship spaceships spam spams spammed spamming spammer spammers spank spanks spanked spanking speckle speckles speckling speckled spectre spectres specter specters spectral speedway speedways spindle spindles spinner spinners spitfire spitfires splatter splatters splattered splattering splinter splinters splintering splintered splintery splutter splutters spluttered spluttering spokes spoked spruce spruces sprucely spruced sprucing squabble squabbles squabbled squabbling stalemate stalemates stately statute statutes staunch stauncher staunchest staunchness staunchly steeple steeples stockmarket stockmarkets stocky stockier stockiest stockiness stockily stockist stockists stout stouter stoutest stoutness stoutly stringent stringently stringency stringencies stubble stubbles stubbly subdivide subdivides subdivided subdividing subdivision subdivisions subliminal subliminally submerge submerges submerged submerging submergence submergences submersion submersions submersible submersibles succinct succincter succinctest succinctness succinctly sudan sudanese suffocate suffocates suffocated suffocating suffocation suffocations sultana sultanas sunbathe sunbathes sunbathed sunbathing sunbather sunbathers sundry sundries supernatural supernaturally supple suppleness supposition suppositions surcharge surcharges surveillance surveillances swindle swindles swindled swindling swindler swindlers synchronize synchronizes synchronized synchronizing synchronization synonym synonyms synonymy synonymous tacit tacitness tacitly tadpole tadpoles Taiwan Taiwanese tangible tangibleness intangible intangibles tangibly intangibly tannoy tannoys tantrum tantrums tapestry tapestries tart tarts tartly tatter tattered tatters tatty tattier tattiest teamwork teamworks template templates tern terns ternary ternaries tertiary testify testifies testified testifying tetanus tetanuses textbook textbooks thai thais thailand thatch thatching thatches thatched thatcherism thatcherisms thatcherite therein thereof thug thugs thuggery tic tics tingle tingles tingled tingling tipple tipples tiptoe tiptoeing tiptoes tiptoed titan titans titanic toenail toenails tombola tombolas tor tors torpedo torpedoes torpedoed torpedoing torpedoe torrent torrents torrential totem totems toxin toxins antitoxin antitoxins tract tracts traction tractions transient transiently transients trawl trawls trawled trawling trawler trawlers triplet triplets tripod tripods tripodal trundle trundles trundled trundling trundler trundlers truss trusses trussed trussing tuberculosis tb tum tums tuna tunas Tunisia Tunisian Tunisians turbulent turbulently turd turds tutorial tutorials twat twats twitch twitches twitched twitching twitcher typify typifies typified typifying tyranny tyrannies tyrannize tyrannizes tyrannized tyrannizing tyrannise tyrannises tyrannised tyrannising undergraduate undergraduates understate understates understated understating understatement understatements underwater underway unnerve unnerves unnerved unnerving untoward upshot upshots upsurge upsurged upsurging upsurges uptight uranium uraniums usher ushers ushered ushering vacate vacates vacated vacating vagina vaginas vaginal vaginally vanilla vanillas vanity vanities vapour vapours vetting vetted viaduct viaducts vibrant vibrantly vibrancy vigour vigours vigor vindictive vindictiveness vindictively vintage vintages violate violates violated violating violation violations virile virility virilities volatile nonvolatile volatility volatilities vulgar vulgarer vulgarest vulgarly vulgarism vulgarity vulgarities vulgarize vulgarizes vulgarized vulgarizing vulgarizer vulgarizers vulgarization vulgarise vulgarises vulgarised vulgarising vulgarisation vulture vultures wacky wackier wackiest wackiness waft wafts wafted wafting waggle waggles waggled waggling warship warships wartime wartimes wasteland wastelands wean weans weaned weaning weaponry weaponries weasel weasels weaselling weaselly weirdo weirdoes weirdos wharf wharves wharfs whir whirring whirred whirs wholemeal whore whores whoreish whorish willpower willpowers winger wingers wink winks winked winking winker winkers wold wolds woodworm woodworms workhouse workhouses wrack wracks wracked wracking wrath wraths wrathful wrathfully yolk yolks zeal zeals zealous zealousness zealously zinc zincs DONELIST